Daily Archives: October 21, 2013

A Quote to Carry You – October 21, 2013

A quote to carry youA Quote to Carry You

October 21, 2013

“The important thing is this, to be able to sacrifice at any moment what we are, for what we can become.” Rene Dubois

This quote was printed on a scroll-style banner that was given to me years ago as a college graduation present.  I still have the banner and I am inspired by these words every time I read it.  It seems I never realize how much I have, until I am faced with the possibility of losing it.  Those times seem to be the best of times, when I am strongest and more full of hope.  Nothing lasts forever.  It’s a fine line to walk, enjoying what you have, while being ready to give it up, at any moment,  for what is best.  Something to think about…







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