Daily Archives: February 9, 2015

On Languages

On Languages

On LanguagesA Quote To Carry You

February 9, 2015

“Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.”  Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Maxims and Reflections

On Languages…Languages have a way of connecting people like nothing else can.  To me, listening to foreign languages being spoken can sometimes sound like the most exquisite piece of music serenading my ears.  Words roll off the tongue in a way that is unfamiliar yet tantalizing.  They command my undivided attention so that my mind can absorb every syllable, every inflection, and interpret their meaning.  Similarly to the way music can evoke intense emotions, languages can do that and more.  Languages, through their words, have the ability to say, “I love you.”  To some degree or another, love is a language everybody understands.

May languages of love fill your heart today…so you fully know its meaning.

Peace and love,


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