Daily Archives: May 18, 2015

On Listening

On Listening

listeningA Quote to Carry You

May 18, 2015

“But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.”  Micah 7:7

On listening – Do you ever hear someone say something to you but when you try to recall what they’ve said, you realize that you hadn’t really listened to them?  Listening involves a great deal more of engaging with someone else than we may think.  I believe that a large part of listening includes more than just hearing; it also means concentrating on what has been said and seeking to absorb and understand it.  When we take the time to go a little deeper and try to comprehend what is being said between the words, then we can fully know how to respond wisely.  As in the scripture verse above, listening also requires a certain amount of observing and waiting.  Sometimes it is difficult to decipher the full meaning of what someone is trying to say when it is written in a note or even relayed over the phone.  When we await the opportunity to converse face to face, we truly receive the message in full.  Many of the best things in life come about similarly.  Giving our full attention to what God is revealing in our lives and awaiting the outcome that we’ve long anticipated to be manifested completely, makes intently listening, (not only with our ears, but with our hearts as well), all the more gratifying.

May you take the time to listen intently to the world around you, and seek out what God is saying to you.  You may be surprised by how blessed you truly are.

Peace and love,


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