Monthly Archives: August 2015

On Warmth

On Warmth

on warmthA Quote to Carry You

August 3, 2015

“The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.”  Oscar Wilde

On warmth – Warmth comes in many different forms, and in many different degrees.  Indeed, this summer we are experiencing some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded.  Sometimes the warmth of the bright sun combined with a thick layer of humidity can feel dense enough to slice through.  During this time of year, there have been days where droplets of sweat have formed on my forehead after taking just one step outside the door!  Be that as it may, there is one form of warmth that can heat up our hearts even faster…the warmth of love.

To me, being loved and genuinely wanted and cared for can cause a warmth to radiate straight through to my heart.  In fact, knowing that I am truly loved can spark a flame within me that causes my entire world to glow.  To experience the warmth that is produced by love is a temperature that I am comfortable with any time of year.

May your heart be wrapped so tightly within a blanket of love today that its warmth causes you to glow…and warm up others around you.

Peace and love,


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