Monthly Archives: May 2019

Memorial Day – What’s in a word?


Memorial Day

Memorial Day – Photograph by Samuel Branch/Unsplash

Memorial Day – What’s in a word?

”And each man stands with his face in the light of his own drawn sword.  Ready to do what a hero can.”  —Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Memorial Day – What’s in a word?

Remembering what others have done.

The sacrifices they’ve made, all of the battles won.

For the sake of our freedoms, you and me,

They did what they could, even though the results they did not see.

Let us pay homage to those who bravely won the victory;

May they live on and be respected, throughout history!

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

To honor someone means to respect and recognize them for some exceptional task they have performed.  I doubt that anyone would argue that the most noble act that anyone can do for another is to lay down his life for them.  So many of our brave members of our Armed Forces committed themselves to doing just that every time they took up their weapons and entered into battle.  As we set aside time for honoring others on this Memorial Day, there is no escaping the solemnity of the ultimate sacrifice that so many willingly gave.  Freedom comes with a price, and the price that so many of our military men and women paid can never be fully recognized.

Won’t you join me in honoring others on this Memorial Day by pausing and giving thanks for what they gave up for you and me?

(Taken from “On Honoring Others”

Remember the brave, remember you are free…remember what they all did for you and me…

Memorial Day – What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me please do!

Peace and love,


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”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”




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Ambiguous – What’s in a word?


Ambiguous – Photograph by Adam Przeniewski/Unsplash

Ambiguous – What’s in a word?

”When the solution is simple, God is answering.” —Albert Einstein

Ambiguous – What’s in a word?

Doubtful, uncertain, indistinct, obscure,

Something whose meaning, we never know for sure.

The capacity to be understood in more than one way…

Or even, not be tomorrow, what it was today!

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

Ambiguous – It’s not a word you hear every day.  In fact, I had to look up its meaning  when I heard it recently.  When something is unclear, when it can mean more than one thing, or can be interpreted in a different way than originally intended…you guessed it, it’s ambiguous.

 I’ll admit, when it comes to making decisions, more often than not, the right choice often seems ambiguous to me.

Whenever I have to decide what direction to take, sometimes even when I am being guided by GPS, making the wrong turn can be a little scary.  And when it comes to making big, life-changing decisions, I am sure I am not alone when I say that it’s hard to do.  What if I do this and I fail?  What if I do this and I am stuck having to live with a BIG mistake?  Don’t get me wrong, I believe that big decisions should be given a good amount of thought and planning.  But there is a way that can make the decision-making process less ambiguous…

When you place your decision in God’s hands, through prayer and directing our spiritual eyes and ears towards Him, you can rest assured that he’ll make the way clear. There is no ambiguity when God is at the helm.  He’ll not only lead you in the right direction, he’ll help navigate your way through to shore.

Unclear, perhaps mysterious, non-explicit, something so hidden…we haven’t a clue!

Ambiguous – What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me please do!

Peace and love,


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”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”


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Imagine – What’s in a word?


Imagine – Photograph courtesy of Gail_mi

Imagine – What’s in a word?

”There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination and wonder.” —Ronald Regan

Imagine – What’s in a word?

Imagine what things would be like,

If the world could read your mind.

What types of things would they see?

Would they be giving, loving and kind?

Imagine what you would do,

If you could live your dreams.

To be the person you were meant to be…

It’s not as hard as it seems.

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

Imagine – Now that’s a word that can potentially have as many meanings as whatever the mind can conjure up.  Many times when this word is uttered, it’s in such contexts as, “Can you imagine that?” The answer to that question is most probably yes.  But what if we take it on step further?  If you can imagine it…can you do it?  Can you have it?  Can you be it?

The human imagination is a powerful creation in itself.

Why not use it to imagine something positive, something worthwhile, something achievable?

To create a mental image, to wonder, to suppose what is true…

Imagine – What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

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”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”

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