All That I Need

All that I need

Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson


All that I need is something that I have finally realized that I have had all along.

“I have the greatest of all riches: that of not desiring them.” Eleonora Duse

We all long for something.  Be it a tangible item or something that only the human heart can give…we all long for something.  We won’t rest until we get what we want, even when we can’t quite describe what it is.  Does that make sense?  It does to me. In fact, I have finally realized that what I have been longing for is something that I have had all along…I have all that I need.

All That I Need

It is not what surrounds me on the outside,

those things will come and go.

It is not some whim that suits me,

for they’ll surely vanish quickly I know.

It is not the things that I can buy,

for they get used up in a hurry.

It is not the treasures of this earth,

for they very often cause me to worry.

It is something intangible yet so real,

and it will never fade nor decay.

It is what fills my heart no matter what,

it is what keeps me from going astray.

It is God’s love…that is all I need,

He freely gives it to me at no cost.

It feeds me, it clothes me, it fills me up,

it satisfies me and with it I will never be lost.

With the love He provides, I need not search,

for it is unending and inexhaustible indeed.

No riches on earth can match what His love gives,

Yes, in Him I have all that I need.

Felecia R. Weber 2014,

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”  Psalm 73:26

May the love of God surround you and keep you abundantly full all of your days.

Peace and love,


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All That I Need
Article Name
All That I Need
I have finally realized that what I have been longing for is something that I have had all along…I have all that I need.

4 thoughts on “All That I Need

  1. Lew

    You are a very special friend, your bravery and courage only inspire me to be a better person, I love you very much!

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    1. Felecia Post author

      Thank you so much my dear friend…God truly blessed me when he brought you into my life. Thank you so very much for your tender kindness, support and caring of me during such a sad time. My heart rejoices in The Lord at all times because He provides all that I need and at all times.
      My love to you,

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  2. Heart Written: Doris Hayes Gibson

    You, my dear, are an inspiration to all. God’s love is obvious through your words…your life. I am so saddened tonight to know your heart has been wounded by your great loss here on earth. But I rejoice with you to know the love of your life has found the sweetest joy that we can only imagine right now.

    Prayers and love I am sending to you. Be comforted in God’s arms of abundant grace. He knows exactly what you need and when you need it. Bless you, my friend. <3

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    1. Felecia Post author

      Thank you My sister in Christ Jesus. God has provided the grace, strength, and courage that I’ve needed to travel through this heartbreaking journey. My sorrow is far outweighed by His love and provision.
      Blessed peace and sacred love to you always,

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