Category Archives: Travel

Travel short story writing collection relating to lifestyle themes.

Doors Open, Doors Close

Doors open, doors close

Doors Open, Doors Close – Photograph by Peter Oswald/Unsplash

Doors Open, Doors Close – Some doors open, but we never step inside.  Other times we rush in, looking for a place to hide.

”Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.” —Tom Stoppard

Doors Open, Doors Close

Doors open, doors close…

Some doors open, but we never step inside.

Other times we rush in, looking for a place to hide.

Doors open, doors close…

We knock, not knowing what we’ll find.

Is it something new or the same as what we’ve left behind?

Doors open, doors, close…

It’s okay to go slowly; carefully turn the knob and take a peek.

It takes a great deal of courage to go after that which we seek.

Doors open, doors close…

Once you’ve entered, it’s up to you what happens next…

You are the author, fill your new world with spectacular text!

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

Doors open, doors close – Can you imagine being inside a mansion filled with rooms; each one hidden behind closed doors?  Turning the knob, and hearing it click is so exciting! It’s hard not to burst through the door to see what’s behind it.  Ahhh, a beautiful, sun-filled room beckons you to enter.  What a wonderful welcome, until the blazing heat begins to smother you and you dash to the next door.  You open it so quickly that you nearly tumble through this doorway. Brrr, the room is starkly different from the last.  Dark, dreary and cold, you start to shiver.  You back up to exit and slam the door shut, hoping the next one will offer something just right for you.

Sound familiar?  Isn’t life like that?…

Life can be like a series of opened doors that cause us to either step out and move forward, or step back and try to hold onto the past.  There are so many factors that lead us to making the decisions that we make.  Sometimes they are positive and we make great strides in accomplishing our goals.  Other times, our choices can cause us to fall flat on our faces, and lose more than we’d ever imagined.  Indeed, doors open…and doors close.

”A very little key will open a very heavy door.” —Charles Dickens

I believe that no matter what is on the other side of the threshold…the important thing is that we step through it.  Knock lightly, or bust the door wide open, only you can determine how long you’ll stay in the new place you’ve entered into…and how pleasing it will be.  Go on…turn the knob.

Peace and love,


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”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”


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When Something’s Missing

When something’s missing

When something’s missing and you just gotta have it… Photograph property of

When Something’s Missing and you just gotta have it…ain’t nothin’ gonna stand in your way.

”Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals.”  —LL Cool J

When Something’s Missing

When something’s missing and you just gotta have it…

Ain’t nothin’ gonna stand in your way.

You just keep searchin’, you have to find it;

No, not tomorrow…but today!

When something’s missing and you just gotta have it…

The sky turns all shades of grey.

You seek high, you seek low…there’s no place you won’t go…

’Cause the emptiness just won’t go away!

When something’s missing and you just gotta have it…

You keep on going…never slowing your pace.

Determination takes hold of your entire being.

You’re gonna get it…soon you’ll be staring it in the face.

When something’s missing and you just gotta have it…

Don’t stop…it’s not something to ignore.

Hold on to your dreams…don’t you ever let them go!

Be inspired…explore…reach higher…soar!

Felecia R. Weber 2018,

I have nothing more to add to this!😊

Peace and love,


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“Be inspired…explore…reach higher…soar!”

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When I Was a Child

When i was a child

When I Was a Child Photograph: “Daydreams”, courtesy of Amy Breen

When I was a child – May your faith be strong, like that of a child, never worrying when, what or where…just turn to the Lord for your every need, and know that he is always there.

”When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”  1 Corinthians 13:11

When I Was a Child

When I was a child,

I thought like a child.

Streams of colors…

Yellow, pink and blue.

Playing outdoors for hours,

All was sunny and bright and true.

When I was a child,

I dreamed like a child,

Like a bird, I was ever so carefree.

In my mind I’d travel to far away lands;

Places only known to me.

When I was a child,

I hoped like a child,

”Someday that’s gonna be me!”

Now I am grown and after all these years,

Childlike faith navigates my destiny.

Felecia R. Weber 2018,

When I was a child – This time of year always causes my mind to conjure up childhood memories.  Now that I am back in my hometown, the familiar sites, sounds and smells of my youth dance around in my head almost constantly. It seems as the days get cooler, my heart just gets warmer from the glow of days long gone by.  Indeed, when I was a child, all those years ago, I thought, dreamed and hoped like a child.  When I left home to make my way in the world, I thought I had left those childhood ways behind too…but not so, really.

Like the changes in the seasons, it’s obvious to see the transformation that happens to our physical bodies as we grow from children into adults. But what happens on the inside is not so easy to recognize.  Surely, we act more mature and responsible the older we get.  Our interests change, as well as our activities, and tastes.  In fact, certain changes are critical and should take place throughout different stages of our lives.  One thing, that I believe should never change, no matter how old we are, is our childlike faith in God.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”  Hebrews 11:1

As explained in the above verse…faith does have “childlike” qualities.  When I was a child, I never worried about what, when, or where my provisions would come from…they were just there, (and always in the right amount and at the right time).  When I became an adult, although I had to put forth the effort and work for what I wanted, having God in my life, caused my faith, (the confidence in what I hope for and assurance about what I do not see), to remain the same as when I was a child.  Even when vibrant days fade to hues of gray, like this time of year, there always remains in my heart the flickering flame of faith that God is always there, and that he’ll always provide for my every need.

May your faith be strong, like that of a child, never worrying when, what or where…just turn to the Lord for your every need, and know that he is always there.

Peace and love,
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“ Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”
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On Wholeness

On Wholeness

wholenessA Quote to Carry You

February 22, 2016

“…Once a heart is shattered, it can never be the same.  One thing though, it can become better than it was before – it can become whole.”  Felecia R. Weber

On wholeness – The feeling of completion, to have accomplished whatever it is you’ve set out to do can be a most elating feeling.  What’s more is when you focus more on embarking on the journey rather than reaching your destination, what a marvelous adventure you have to enjoy.  Indeed, I believe wholeness, being full, lacking nothing, having all the parts…is a sort of a passage, a path which draws us from our emptiness to becoming complete.

I remember a few years ago, planning my twenty-fifth wedding anniversary trip to Italy for my late husband and me.  I’d never booked my own airline tickets prior to that, let alone plan an entire trip abroad.  Although the planning was painstaking at times, for I didn’t want any detail to be overlooked, our time away was flawlessly exquisite…we could not have asked for anything better, and we’d not want anything to have been different.  Now, my memories of our final trip together are more precious to me as the time between then and now grows.  They somehow become real when I need them to be…and I experience a sense of the wholeness we shared instead of the hollowness that I was left with when he passed.

That example only touches the surface of what wholeness truly is…but for me, it describes the principle of how one can travel from emptiness to wholeness…and how we go through that process determines the degree of completeness we attain.  For, once a heart is shattered, it can never be the same.  One thing though, it can become better than it was before – it can become whole.

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4

Peace and love,


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Getting Away

getting away

Photograph courtesy of David Brown

Getting away is something that we all need to do from time to time…

“I suppose that, if you should go to the end of the world, you would find somebody there going farther…”  Henry David Thoreau

Getting Away

Getting away can be one of the most enjoyable things.

It’s amazing the excitement that just the thought of it brings.

No matter where it is, a far off excursion, or lazing on the beach;

There’s just something about getting away and out of reach.

It can restore your well being, it can recharge your mind.

And like taking a journey, you never know what you may find.

Getting away can enhance your thinking, it can brighten your mood.

It has a way of satisfying a hunger, that hasn’t to do with food.

It is something that we all need, so my wish is for you,

That in getting away, you’ll get to rest, refresh and renew.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Bon voyage!

Peace and love,


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Take a Break

Take a Break

“Office in a Small City,” 1953, Edward Hopper. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Take a Break…relax, enjoy, put your work on hold…

“What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines who we are.”  George Eastman

We are fast approaching the time of year when most of us long for the chance to slow down enough to catch our breath.  Even if you can only take a break just long enough to pause and let the sun tickle your face…that is sure to coax a smile to brighten your moment.  While you are smiling, why not take it a step further and laugh aloud…allow it to echo through to your heart.  Now hold onto that lightness and let it grow into the most wonderful sensation; kind of like a private escape.  Just be sure to enjoy it often…let if become a part of you.

Take a Break

Take a break, relax, enjoy…

put your work on hold.

Close your eyes, sit back, imagine…

when you do, just think of what may unfold.

Take a break, don’t worry or fret…

really, what difference will that make?

Let yourself escape for a while,

just enjoy it, for goodness sake!

Take a break, get out, explore…

go on, do yourself a favor.

Life will go on, it won’t come to an end…

besides, you may just have more of it to savor.

Felecia R. Weber, 2015,

Take a break

“Above the Clouds”. A glimpse of a recent “break” of my own. Felecia R. Weber, 2015,

Okay, so what about you?  What are you waiting for?  Go on, close your eyes, relax and take a break!

Peace and love,


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On A Journey

On a journey

Photograph courtesy of David Brown

On a journey…On a journey, here I go.  I don’t have a plan, but I am going, this I know.

“It wasn’t long before Jonathan Gull was off by himself again, far out to sea, hungry, happy, learning.”  Richard Bach (Jonathan Livingston Seagull)

On A  Journey

On a journey, here I go,

I don’t have a plan, but I am going, this I know.

I think I’ll travel far, so I’ll be gone for a while.

Wherever I end up, I intend to enjoy every mile.

On a journey, I may walk on land, I may sail on the sea.

No matter how I get there, this journey is one …just for me.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Do you ever feel like just getting away?  Just packing a bag and heading off on a road with no particular destination in mind…just as long as it is someplace else.  Sometimes when I cannot physically get away, I close my eyes and let my mind take me down a road, along a trail, or even traversing the waves of the wide open sea. No matter where or how far my thoughts allow me to travel to, I always make my way back home…and you know whatI have found?  Home is sometimes the best destination I can ever wish to get to.

Peace and love,


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On Adventure

On Adventure

on adventureA Quote to Carry You

April 20, 2015

“Adventure is worthwhile in itself.”  Amelia Earhart

On adventure.  What is the difference between a journey and an adventure?  Which one sounds more exciting?  Which one sounds the most appealing and fulfilling?  To take a journey is to travel from one place to another.  An adventure will get you from one place to another…but the route may not be at all what you expect.  The hills may turn into mountains, or what at first appears to be a crevice, may actually turn out to be an incredibly long and burdensome valley.  Smooth highways may lead to rocky roads that are difficult to navigate.  Now, here is another question…in the end, which one sounds more worth embarking on?

Happy travels…




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