Going Farther…

Going Farther

“Daydreaming,” photograph of my niece Leia Gabrielle

Going Farther

Long is the road that we travel in life,

From the fullness of joy, to raging anger and strife.

There are hidden pathways that lure us away,

they distract us for a season, or perhaps just one day.

Doors fling wide open, then slam closed and  tightly shut,

We move along smoothly, only to  fall into a rut.

Life is like that, we never know, unless we try to find out,

what’s beyond the next horizon; will we draw silent or want to shout.

We must take the first step for the journey to start,

Go on, go forward, go beyond, see what’s inside your heart.

Felecia R. Weber, OnthewingofaDove.com

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”  T.S. Eliot



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6 thoughts on “Going Farther…

    1. Felecia Post author

      Thanks Lew…indeed she is a beautiful young lady…and quite an accomplished musician!:-)

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  1. Ethelda and Edward

    That is really good and no fear
    Going farther reall good and your
    Description great
    Beautiful picture of Leia
    Picture fits right in

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    1. Felecia Post author

      Thanks Mom; I truly below that we need to go farther, test our limits, in order for growth to take place. The wonderful thing is, that we need never travel alone…god is always there to meet us!:)
      Love you,

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  2. Pamela Starkey

    Yes, “Go Beyond”. This picture hints that your pretty niece shares your feelings, Felecia.
    The poem and photo have a lovely syntax.

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    1. Felecia Post author

      Thanks, my dear friend… Being the creative person that you are, I know you can relate to all of this! Indeed, my niece is a very talented musician and she already knows the necessity of striving, to go beyond for certain.
      Peace and love to you,

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