Tag Archives: amends

I Blew It!

I blew it

Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson

I Blew It!

I blew it!  We’ve all been there…what do you do when it happens to you?

I Blew It!

Wow, I really blew it!

Oh why did I ever do it?

Sometimes the outcome is not clear;

but once it’s done, the consequences I do fear.

Wow, I really blew it!

Not sure if saying sorry will do.

If I could take back what I said and did,

I would do everything to make it up to you.

Wow, I really blew it!

I wish I had a second chance.

Looking back, I see what I did wrong.

Is there a way this situation to enhance?

Wow, I really blew it!

I know, words can’t always make amends.

Please know that I have learned from my mistakes,

and now I ask…can we remain friends?

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Saying the wrong thing, taking the wrong action, making the same mistake over and over again. These things will happen more than once in life…guaranteed.  It is how we proceed when they happen that makes all the difference.


Peace and love,


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