Tag Archives: beach

On Vacations

On Vacations

on vacationsA Quote to Carry You

July 20, 2015

“Laughter is an instant vacation.”  Milton Berle

On Vacations – I am certain that most of you would agree that, ’tis the season…for vacations that is! Whether you are planning some time off to visit with family and friends, trek off to the woods for hiking and camping, or set sail for an exotic adventure in a far off land, vacations are something to look forward to and to enjoy.  In fact, having time off to rest and get refreshed is welcome at any time of the year.  Not only is taking a break from the “daily grind” something to look forward to, it doesn’t necessarily have to want for summer or the holidays.

Given all of the changes in my “daily grind” over these past several months, I won’t have the luxury of taking time off for any vacations right away.  Be that as it may, it won’t stop me from enjoying some of the benefits that vacations provide.  For me, closing my eyes and envisioning myself traveling off to a sunny spot on the beach, wading along the waves and scrunching my toes up in the wet sand can be enough to brighten my day.  Thinking back and reminiscing about the wonderful vacations I’ve gotten to enjoy in the past are often just what I need to get me excited about what I have to look forward to when I do have the chance to get away.  Whether smiling for a brief moment over a treasured memory, or spending time perusing through photographs and laughing aloud at some funny things they’ve brought to mind, vacations have a way of invigorating us long after we’ve actually experienced them.

Whether you get to take one or more vacations for real, or at least get to daydream about the ones you’ll get to enjoy in the future, may they transport you away long enough to be refreshed…it is amazing what a little time away can do for you.

Peace and love,


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The Hazy, Lazy Days of Summer

hazy, lazy days of summer

“A Lazy Afternoon,” graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com


The hazy, lazy days of summer – what a welcome time of year to relax, renew and enjoy!

The Hazy, Lazy Days of Summer

The hazy, lazy days of summer;

what a welcome time to relax and renew.

Splashing in the pool, swinging softly on the porch,

treading barefoot along shimmering grass kissed with dew.

The hazy, lazy days of summer;

they take me back to when I was a child.

Playing outdoors all day long, from sun up to sun down.

Each hour seemed extra long and the air, oh so mild.

The hazy, lazy days of summer;

filled with backyard barbecues and walks along the beach,

drive-in movies, the tune of the ice cream truck;

and the skies cluttered with stars that almost seem within reach.

The hazy, lazy days of summer;

they are timeless and always easy to enjoy.

But didn’t they somehow seem more magical,

when you were a little girl or little boy?

Felecia R. Weber 2014, On theWingofaDove.com

Wishing you a Happy Summer!

Peace to you,


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