Tag Archives: God’s creation

On Beauty

On Beauty

on beautyA Quote to Carry You

April 21, 2014

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting,”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

I remember as a little girl walking to and from elementary school in the springtime.  I loved trailing along the little dirt path that wound through a small patch of woods.  It made me feel as though I were walking through a magical forest…the fresh green leaves seemed to pop out as fast as I could spot them!  The sweetness in the mild air lingered in my nose even after I’d gotten to school or home.  Memories such as these make me so grateful for having the chance to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation that surrounds all of us.  It is a beauty that cannot be written in any other language, nor spoken in any other voice…for it comes from God alone.

May you “read” the words of the beauty that surrounds you today and let it fill your heart with God’s love.

Peace to you,


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