Tag Archives: Hebrews 11:1

When I Was a Child

When i was a child

When I Was a Child Photograph: “Daydreams”, courtesy of Amy Breen

When I was a child – May your faith be strong, like that of a child, never worrying when, what or where…just turn to the Lord for your every need, and know that he is always there.

”When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”  1 Corinthians 13:11

When I Was a Child

When I was a child,

I thought like a child.

Streams of colors…

Yellow, pink and blue.

Playing outdoors for hours,

All was sunny and bright and true.

When I was a child,

I dreamed like a child,

Like a bird, I was ever so carefree.

In my mind I’d travel to far away lands;

Places only known to me.

When I was a child,

I hoped like a child,

”Someday that’s gonna be me!”

Now I am grown and after all these years,

Childlike faith navigates my destiny.

Felecia R. Weber 2018, OntheWingofaDove.com

When I was a child – This time of year always causes my mind to conjure up childhood memories.  Now that I am back in my hometown, the familiar sites, sounds and smells of my youth dance around in my head almost constantly. It seems as the days get cooler, my heart just gets warmer from the glow of days long gone by.  Indeed, when I was a child, all those years ago, I thought, dreamed and hoped like a child.  When I left home to make my way in the world, I thought I had left those childhood ways behind too…but not so, really.

Like the changes in the seasons, it’s obvious to see the transformation that happens to our physical bodies as we grow from children into adults. But what happens on the inside is not so easy to recognize.  Surely, we act more mature and responsible the older we get.  Our interests change, as well as our activities, and tastes.  In fact, certain changes are critical and should take place throughout different stages of our lives.  One thing, that I believe should never change, no matter how old we are, is our childlike faith in God.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”  Hebrews 11:1

As explained in the above verse…faith does have “childlike” qualities.  When I was a child, I never worried about what, when, or where my provisions would come from…they were just there, (and always in the right amount and at the right time).  When I became an adult, although I had to put forth the effort and work for what I wanted, having God in my life, caused my faith, (the confidence in what I hope for and assurance about what I do not see), to remain the same as when I was a child.  Even when vibrant days fade to hues of gray, like this time of year, there always remains in my heart the flickering flame of faith that God is always there, and that he’ll always provide for my every need.

May your faith be strong, like that of a child, never worrying when, what or where…just turn to the Lord for your every need, and know that he is always there.

Peace and love,
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The Wisdom In Waiting

wisdom in waiting

“Winter Yosemite Valley,” 1933-34, Ansel Easton Adams. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

The wisdom in waiting…as we all know, the snow takes time to melt no matter how brightly the sun is shining; and so, we wait…

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”  Hebrews 11:1

The wisdom in waiting is rather difficult to imagine during the hustle and bustle of this holiday season.  It seems like time flies through our fingers as fast as the snow covers the ground during a wintery blizzard.  No sooner do we check off the items on our seemingly endless holiday “to do” lists, then another flurry of new tasks fill our hands!  Isn’t it strange, though, that with all of our time drifting away, it seems like Christmas takes forever to arrive?  So, we wait…

I have gone through a very difficult time this year.  Like the “nor’easter” winter storms that we’ve been experiencing lately, I feel like I’ve been trudging through a heavy whirlwind of difficulties.  I’ve often found myself wanting to fast forward through this trying season straight to happier times.   But, as we all know, the snow takes time to melt no matter how brightly the sun is shining; and so, we wait…

Indeed there is wisdom in waiting, and despite my circumstances, I have found that the longer I wait, the more prepared I am to receive what I am so desperately waiting for.  Like a child on Christmas morning, when I finally get to enjoy what I’ve longed for, it makes the wait so much more worthwhile.  Then, the dreaded blustery storms that threatened to hinder me from moving forward seem like soft and silent winterscapes that fill my eyes with the quiet beauty of the season.

“There is wisdom in waiting, even though it can’t be seen.  When troubles surround us high and low. Waiting increases our expectations of what we long for and dream; and surely, it causes our faith to grow.” Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

As you weather the storms that seem to steal away your time this holiday season…may you too find wisdom in waiting.

Peace and love,


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