Tag Archives: light of life

When Faith Shines Through the Darkness

When Faith Shines Through the Darkness

When Faith Shines Through the Darkness – Photograph property of www.onthewingofadove.com

When Faith Shines Through the Darkness – all that is hidden is revealed…

”The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” —J.M. Barrie

When Faith Shines Through the Darkness

When faith shines through the darkness,

All that is hidden is revealed.

We don’t know what’s beneath the shadows…

Pain and grief can be buried deep and tightly sealed.

When faith shines through the darkness,

Not everything is clear.

Sometimes steps can lead down a spiral…

A glimmer of hope flickers, surrounded by fear.

When faith shines through the darkness,

A choice has to be made.

Light and darkness cannot coexist…

There is only one voice that must be obeyed.

When faith shines through the darkness,

There is no reason to despair.

For Jesus, has all the help you need…

His eternal light will guide you…your faith in Him will get you there.

Felecia R. Weber 2019, www.onthewingofadove.com

Entrusting anything, your well-being, your loved ones, your material possessions, to the care of someone else can be scary.

No matter how well you think you know someone, when it comes to something that is important to you, you may feel that you are better off taking care of it yourself.  But what about when circumstances are such that you have no choice but to let others get involved?  Those times can feel like a dark veil has covered your eyes and all you can do is watch behind the scenes.  Faith can be described like that…when we believe in and trust in someone to such a degree that we are willing to give up control over our circumstances to them.  The important thing about faith is who we put our trust in.

”Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” —John 8:12 NIV

When faith shines through the darkness – there is only one person that comes to mind when reciting these words – Jesus!

As He tells us in the above verse from the Bible, Jesus is the light of the world.  Given that light and darkness cannot coexist, when we put our faith in Jesus, darkness is obliterated.  But, moreover, when we place our trust in Him, His light also gives us life…eternally.

Do you have doubts about who to trust; who to put your faith in?

When the darkness of life’s overwhelming circumstances over shadow you, consider the one who not only gives light, but is the light. Then your faith truly will shine through any darkness.

Peace and love,


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The Light Shines in the Darkness

The Light Shines in the Darkness

The Light Shines in the Darkness – Photograph property of www.OntheWingofaDove.com

The Light Shines in the Darkness – all that is hidden is revealed…

”The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has never put it out.” —John 1:5

The Light Shines in the Darkness

A new day starts at midnight…way before dawn.

A new life starts in the womb…precious months before birth.

A seed is nourished underground…sprouting leaves coaxed out by the sun.

Closed eyes cannot see…the beauty of what the heart feels.

The light shines in the darkness…all that is hidden is revealed.

Felecia R. Weber 2018, www.OntheWingofaDove.com

The light shines in the darkness – Have you ever considered this phenomenon?  How so much of the beauty in nature is spawned from dark, quiet places?  A baby is conceived deep inside its mother’s womb and a new day starts in the wee hours of the night.  A tiny seed is buried under the dark earth and grows into the most fragrant flowers and delicious produce. When we close our eyes, we cannot see…but even for those who are blind…the light within our hearts allows us to imagine a world that is brighter than reality ever could be.

Indeed, into the darkness, light does shine.  As with all things in nature, however, the light eventually fades and turns back to dark.  We live our lives, grow old and pass away.  The sun rises, soars slowly across the sky and sets at regular intervals.  Plants reach maturity, are harvested or shrivel and die once they’ve reached their peak.  Yet, there is one light that never goes out…

“Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again.  ‘I am the light of the world,’ he said.  ‘Whoever believes in me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.’” —John 8:12

When we put our trust in Jesus, though our physical bodies whither and fade, his light of life that flows within us never goes out.

Those who follow the light of life need never traverse the darkness that can easily overshadow us throughout our lives alone. For not only does his light guide our steps here on earth…it will shine on for us throughout all eternity.

During this season in nature, when the hours of daylight are short and the darkness of night long, won’t you consider trusting in the light of life that never grows dim, and will never leave you in the dark?

Peace and love,


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