Tag Archives: navigate

Ambiguous – What’s in a word?


Ambiguous – Photograph by Adam Przeniewski/Unsplash

Ambiguous – What’s in a word?

”When the solution is simple, God is answering.” —Albert Einstein

Ambiguous – What’s in a word?

Doubtful, uncertain, indistinct, obscure,

Something whose meaning, we never know for sure.

The capacity to be understood in more than one way…

Or even, not be tomorrow, what it was today!

Felecia R. Weber 2019, www.onthewingofadove.com

Ambiguous – It’s not a word you hear every day.  In fact, I had to look up its meaning  when I heard it recently.  When something is unclear, when it can mean more than one thing, or can be interpreted in a different way than originally intended…you guessed it, it’s ambiguous.

 I’ll admit, when it comes to making decisions, more often than not, the right choice often seems ambiguous to me.

Whenever I have to decide what direction to take, sometimes even when I am being guided by GPS, making the wrong turn can be a little scary.  And when it comes to making big, life-changing decisions, I am sure I am not alone when I say that it’s hard to do.  What if I do this and I fail?  What if I do this and I am stuck having to live with a BIG mistake?  Don’t get me wrong, I believe that big decisions should be given a good amount of thought and planning.  But there is a way that can make the decision-making process less ambiguous…

When you place your decision in God’s hands, through prayer and directing our spiritual eyes and ears towards Him, you can rest assured that he’ll make the way clear. There is no ambiguity when God is at the helm.  He’ll not only lead you in the right direction, he’ll help navigate your way through to shore.

Unclear, perhaps mysterious, non-explicit, something so hidden…we haven’t a clue!

Ambiguous – What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me please do!

Peace and love,


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”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”


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One Step at a Time

One Step

“First Steps” Photograph property of OntheWingofaDove.com (2018)

One step at a time

”In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

One step at a time

One step at a time,

So many directions,

Like typing out words,

Without making corrections.


We spin and we toil,

For most of our days.

When things fall apart,

It seems none of the effort pays!


One step at a time,

That’s all we can do.

For God has the answers,

I know first hand that is true.


So stop for a moment,

Although time won’t stand still.

You’ll be much better off,

When you seek and follow His will.


Felecia R. Weber, 2018, OntheWingofaDove.com


One step at a time, that seems simple doesn’t it?  If you’ve ever watched a baby take his first steps, you’ll realize that it’s not such an easy thing to do. When it comes to navigating through life’s paths, it doesn’t get any easier.  We’ve so many choices, so many responsibilities, so many demands, that sometimes we find ourselves simply standing still!  When that happens one step at a time may well be all we can handle, but not on our own.

One Step

“Footprints” Photograph property of OntheWingofaDove.com (2018)

As described in the well known “Footprints in the Sand” quote, when life gets to be overwhelming and we turn to God for help, he is not only there with us every step of the way, he carries us when we’ve lost our way.  He leads us to where he wants us to be…one step at a time.


Shout out to my sister, Marjorie…Happy birthday sister…I love you!


Peace and love,


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“Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”
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Where Do I Go From Here?

where do I go from here

Pen & ink drawing by Felecia R. Weber circa 1980, OntheWingofaDove.com

Where do I go from here?  Wondering what is the next step one should take can apply to almost any situation in life.

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”  T.S. Eliot

Where do I go from here?  That is a question that I am certain has been asked by many at some point in their lives.  It is a questions that doesn’t necessarily have to do with traveling from one destination to the next.  Wondering what is the next step one should take can apply to almost any situation in life.  Life in itself is full of uncertainties, as well as countless opportunities.  Unlike plugging in an address into a GPS device and receiving a clearly charted out route, knowing what direction to take when it comes to making critical decisions can be quite confusing.  All too often, we find ourselves so far off course, that we feel lost.

where do i go from here

Pen & ink drawing by Felecia R. Weber circa 1980, OntheWingofaDove.com

So how does one answer the question, where do I go from here?  I know when I face a fork in the road in my own life, many times I tend to pause and linger too long “taking in the scenery.”  I research, study and weigh my options so much that I suffer from information overload.  I fill my brain with so much “stuff” that, what used to be the perfect amount of information to carry along with me as I move forward, has turned into an oversized mass that I cannot possibly proceed with on my own.  At that point, I feel disoriented and need to seek help from someone else.  Even finding someone to help me can be challenging sometimes…but not when I seek the right source first.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6

Where do I go from here?  Although I may not know exactly how to navigate my way to making the best decision, I do know who will always lead me in the right direction.  God is fully capable of and willing to help each of us through any challenges that we face.  He’ll not only direct us and see us safely through any situation, he’ll also work the outcome to be the very best for us.  He’ll make the way clear for us and stay right by our side until we get to where we need to be.  There is one thing that has to be done individually first though…we need to ask HIM, where do I go from here?

where do i go from here

Pen & ink drawing by Felecia R. Weber circa 1980, OntheWingofaDove.com

Where will you go from here?  May you find your answer in Him.

Peace an love,



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On Adventure

On Adventure

on adventureA Quote to Carry You

April 20, 2015

“Adventure is worthwhile in itself.”  Amelia Earhart

On adventure.  What is the difference between a journey and an adventure?  Which one sounds more exciting?  Which one sounds the most appealing and fulfilling?  To take a journey is to travel from one place to another.  An adventure will get you from one place to another…but the route may not be at all what you expect.  The hills may turn into mountains, or what at first appears to be a crevice, may actually turn out to be an incredibly long and burdensome valley.  Smooth highways may lead to rocky roads that are difficult to navigate.  Now, here is another question…in the end, which one sounds more worth embarking on?

Happy travels…




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