Tag Archives: novelties

On Possibilites

On Possibilities

on possibilitiesA Quote to Carry You

October 26, 2015

“I dwell in possibilities” Emily Dickinson

On possibilities – Possibilities are endless, they come in all shapes and sizes, in all colors, and in all forms.  When I think of possibilities, I often think of them in terms of creativity.  When I dream of an idea for creating an item for my budding line of handmade gifts, it is amazing how a single element, such as the texture of a swatch of fabric opens the door for a multitude of possibilities on how to incorporate it’s uniqueness into one of my products.  Before I know it, my head is swimming with all kinds of lovely conceptualizations for intricate and elegant designs for my novelties.  For me, such possibilities have a way of kindling my creative fire…sometimes its blaze far exceeds my own expectations.  When it comes to creativity, possibilities are essential!

How about you, why not reach out and grab hold of your creative possibilities?  Let them pour out of you like a stream of gifts.  May they spill over into the lives of those around you spawning possibilities for them too…like gifts that keep on giving.

Peace and love,


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