Tag Archives: quote

On Colors

On Colors

on colorsA Quote to Carry You

September 21, 2015

“The best color in the world is the one that looks good on you.”  Coco Chanel

On colors – We are entering one of the most colorful of the four seasons.  Autumn brings with it the brightest of golden to the deepest of reddish hues.  There is something about the range of these bold colors that makes me feel vibrant and alive!  When I gaze at the trees of this season adorned in such rich tones, it makes me think of how magnificently God has painted each of us. Like the chromatic scheme that saturates the leaves in nature, we too have a way of embellishing the world around us with the way we wear the colors that we’ve been given.  From the soft pastels of compassion and caring that we extend to those who are in need, to the cheerful, dazzling smiles that brighten the days of those who may be struggling, we all possess within us the finest wardrobe, that when worn well, can positively enhance and inspire the lives of others.  What colors do others see in you?

May you always wear your colors boldly and beautifully!

Peace and love,


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On Promises

On Promises

on promisesA Quote to Carry You

September 14, 2015

“I believe that to keep a promise, to keep your word, is a marvelous opportunity to show others what dwells within your hear.”  Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

On promises – When someone follows through on a promises they’ve made, when they actually do what they say they will do, I believe that speaks volumes about a person.  The very definition of promises, to commit oneself to definitely doing something, leaves no leeway for not following through on that which was pledged.  I believe that to keep a promise, to keep your word, is a marvelous opportunity to show others what dwells within your heart.

To me, the fact that whenever a commitment is made, the expectation that the action will be carried out, is what makes promises so valuable.  When a person keeps his promises consistently, he actually builds a reputation for reliability, honesty, and integrity; characteristics that display outwardly what lies within his heart.  These are the things that make for lasting impressions; the things that relationships are built upon; the things that follow a person throughout their lives.  I’d say that keeping promises is something to strive for…always, don’t you agree?

May your promises made always be promises kept.

Peace and love,


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On Trials

On Trials

on trialsA Quote to Carry You

August 31, 2015

“Trials have a way of wearing us down until only the purest, most valuable qualities within us shine.” Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

On trials – It is interesting how a conversation that I had with my dear friends this morning about the medieval sport of jousting, and later reading a comment about knights in shining armor, made me think about trials.  I suppose it wasn’t so much about trials, as what they are capable of producing.  Trials have a way of wearing us down until only the purest, and most valuable qualities within us shine.

Thinking more deeply about the transforming nature of trials, brought to mind the task of polishing silver.  Although it seems old-fashioned, and it is something that I rarely do, taking a tarnished metal object and turning it into a shiny treasure certainly illustrates what enduring and coming through a difficulty can do to an individual.  Similar to the darkened hue that tarnishes a few antique serving pieces that I polish and display for special holidays, going through a difficulty can bring a hidden ugliness or negativity that resides deep in inside the heart fast to the surface.

I’ve heard it said once that you can discern a lot about a person when they stub their toe, or when the hammer accidentally comes crashing down on their thumb, rather than the nail.  Sometimes what leaps out of a person’s mouth in an intensely painful moment isn’t very pretty. It isn’t until the pain subsides and healing begins, that the beauty of realizing that things could have been worse, or an unexpected act of kindness was shown that made the situation so much better radiates from us.  When I’ve faced times of trials, I often find that I’ve experienced so many blessings through those dark times, that I seem to shine more brightly during those particular times than any others in my life.

When you enter into times of trials, may your luster not be dulled for long…and may the beauty that comes out of those trials cause you to shine more brightly than ever before.

Peace and love,


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The Power of Patience

Power of patience

The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater‘s Linda Celeste Simms. Photograph courtesy of Andrew Eccles

The power of patience is transforming, if given the chance.

“Patience is power.  Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is “timing” it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way.”  Fulton Sheen

The Power of Patience

The power of patience is a strange concept indeed.

It takes what we’ve longed for so much, and makes it so much more.

It sometimes makes the thing sought after, not what we seek at all.

It gives us more than what we ever even thought to ask for.

The power of patience can change how we think; how we live.

It frees us from the things that can distract us; that take us off track.

It gives us the ability to see what really matters; that which is important.

We often realize that we already have all that we long for; that there is nothing we lack.

The power of patience is transforming, if given the chance.

It can spawn a newfound hope, we can endure, and when we endure we become strong.

In turn, no matter what in our waiting causes us to stumble, we never fall.

And isn’t it amazing how through patience the waiting period never seems as long?

Felecia R. Weber 2015, OntheWingofaDove.com

Like the old saying “patience makes perfect,” and it also produces power.  When you find yourself having to wait for something that you desperately long for, may you tap into the power of patience.  It is a strength that is definitely worth waiting for…patiently.

Peace and love,



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On Waiting

On Waiting

on waitingA Quote to Carry You

August 17, 2015

“Sometimes, waiting for something makes it all the more worth it…and in some cases, especially when we don’t receive what we were waiting for.”  Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

On waiting – In today’s society, we have become so used to instant gratification.  As soon as we obtain something, we may hardly even appreciate if before we are on to the next.  I’ll admit that I have allowed myself to fall into that trap.  Even when I’ve waited for a very long time for something to happen or to finally receive what I have been waiting for, before long, and often not very long at all, I begin focusing on the next thing that I am hoping for.

Fortunately, there have been plenty of things that I’ve been waiting for that haven’t come to fruition.   And, funny as it may sound, those are the times that have turned out to be the most valuable to me.  Does that make sense?  Let me explain.  When I have longed for something and have had to wait for a period of time to receive it, I have learned that the actual process of waiting spawns patience.  In learning to be patient, I’ve developed endurance.  Through enduring the waiting period, I’ve gained strength.  Being strong, I’ve learned to be prepared to accept the outcome…whether I receive that which I have been waiting for or not.  Therefore, in the end, I am at peace, no matter what.  Now that is something worth waiting for…don’t you agree?

Peace and love,


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On Things Remembered

On Things Remembered

on Things RememberedA Quote to Carry You

August 10, 2015

“A good character is the best tombstone.  Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered.  Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.”  Charles Spurgeon

On things remembered – I’ll admit, I do not have a strong memory when it comes to retaining facts about things that do not interest me.  I really have to make an effort to write such things down and refer to them later if I am going to even have a chance of remembering anything about them.  I have a much easier time remembering those things that have to do with my own interests.

The same goes for remembering past events in my life.  Oh the memories of the wonderful times I’ve shared with my family and friends.  Those things remembered, have an uncanny way of entering into the present when I recall them.  Sometimes those special moments can be so vivid that they seem tangible, like I am actually reliving them.  I suppose the more precious are those things remembered, the closer they are to my heart…and the more I want to keep them alive.

May you recall often, those things remembered that are dear to you.  And when you do, may they remain alive and well in your heart always.

Peace and love,


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On Warmth

On Warmth

on warmthA Quote to Carry You

August 3, 2015

“The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.”  Oscar Wilde

On warmth – Warmth comes in many different forms, and in many different degrees.  Indeed, this summer we are experiencing some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded.  Sometimes the warmth of the bright sun combined with a thick layer of humidity can feel dense enough to slice through.  During this time of year, there have been days where droplets of sweat have formed on my forehead after taking just one step outside the door!  Be that as it may, there is one form of warmth that can heat up our hearts even faster…the warmth of love.

To me, being loved and genuinely wanted and cared for can cause a warmth to radiate straight through to my heart.  In fact, knowing that I am truly loved can spark a flame within me that causes my entire world to glow.  To experience the warmth that is produced by love is a temperature that I am comfortable with any time of year.

May your heart be wrapped so tightly within a blanket of love today that its warmth causes you to glow…and warm up others around you.

Peace and love,


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On the Little Things

On the Little Things

the little thingsA Quote to Carry You

July 13, 2015

“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.  For in the dew of little things the heart fins morning and is refreshed.”  Khalil Gibran

On the little things – I had the most delightful conversation with a dear friend this afternoon.  She started the conversation by telling me about how a song that played on the radio earlier in the day brought back fond childhood memories of her father.  Even though it had been many years ago, I could almost feel the joy that one of the little things in her life, such as how her dad enjoyed singing a particular phrase from that song, brought to her still.  Her story in turn, reminded me of a funny little gesture that my husband used to make when he’d hear songs that made him feel all happy inside…and that made my heart smile.

Indeed, it is the little things in life that so often spawn moments of happiness that lead to even deeper feelings of joy and peace…

May your day be filled with many little things that do just that!

Peace and love,


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