Tag Archives: rod and staff

Safe and Secure

safe and secure

“Beagle Puppy,” graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com


Being safe and secure…two things we never need to worry about when we put our trust in God; for his provision is sure.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing…I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”  Psalm 23:1,4

Safe and Secure

Safe and secure,

What it means to me;

not being afraid, of what the future holds for me.

To know that I truly belong;

when I am accepted, even when I may be wrong.

Safe and secure,

Having love shown to me;

being valued and wanted in ways I can see.

Having all that I need;

to live, to be fruitful, to learn and to take heed.

Safe and secure,

Indeed, I’ll always be;

I can be nothing less, because God is here with me.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Peace to you,



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