Tag Archives: wealth

Gold – What’s in a word?


“Bouquet of Sunflowers,” 1881, Claude Monet. Image form a page of the 2015 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Gold – for those who seek it, transformation takes place.

“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold.”  Bob Marley

Gold is a color, it’s value untold,

Gold is for many, precious to behold.

For those who seek it, transformation takes place.

Melted in the fire, impurities fade without a trace.

A yellow, soft metal, shiny and valuable, so true; pure solid, sought after…what is gold for you?

When I think of gold, I think of something special and valuable, something warm and sought after.  Recently a friend of mine complimented me on my engagement ring and wedding band; I still wear them because they are precious to me.  He remarked how the simplicity of the solitary diamond set in the yellowish hue of the gold bands made the rings so beautiful.  He went on to talk about the different levels of karats of gold and how the higher the number of karats, the softer, yet more pure, the metal is.  Although I’d never known that about gold, it made the whole concept of the value of gold more significant to me.

It has been my experience in life that the things that are the most valuable to me, are those that I’ve had to work hard for to obtain.  The value is not in the object itself, rather, it is what I’ve had to do or go through to get it that makes it so precious to me.  That same principle can be applied to the character of an individual.  As with gold, where the true value of the metal isn’t fully appreciated until it has been fired and shaped into a stunning piece of jewelry or some other work of art.  A person’s character isn’t fully developed until it has been tested and refined…and like gold, it is after such a transformation that the individual  will shine.

Gold, what’s in it for you? What is the gold that shines in your own character?  Whatever it is, may it’s beauty be visible to those around you and may you always share your wealth!

Peace and love,


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Nobility – What’s in a Word?


Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson

Nobility – What’s in a word?

Elegance, sophistication, regal, dignity,

are some qualities that describe nobility.

In the essence of a person polished or square,

nobility of character can be something so rare.

When combined with virtue, in a person it is quite grand;

it will surely set the example for those who are at hand.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

“Nobility, without virtue, is a fine setting without a gem.”  Jane Porter

What’s in this word for you?  If you care to tell me, please do!

In my opinion, true nobility has less to do with status or monetary wealth than a richness of character.  To me, it means setting the example of what it means to be truly human yet maintaining a high level of excellence in all that we do despite ourselves.

Peace and love,


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Abundance – What’s in a word?


Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson


Abundance – What’s in a word?

Wealth, fullness, having it all,

and never having to worry.

Security, prosperity, luxury,

overflowing, not ever having to hurry.

Might, power, contentment and ease,

never running out, doing what you please.

Abundance is like that and although it is very nice,

it should not be taken lightly, for it comes with a price.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

Having an abundance of anything connotes the good things in life and having plenty of all that we could ever want or need.  Even though having anything in abundance often times requires hard work, commitment and determination, knowing that there are blessings overflowing around the corner makes it all worth it.

May an abundance of goodness shower you day.

Peace and love,


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