Monthly Archives: January 2015

On Flying

On Flying

flyingA Quote to Carry You

January 12, 2015

“You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.”  Amelia Earhart

Flying…what comes to your mind when you think of it?  For me, I think of freedom, a lightness of being, as if I’ve entered into a realm like no other.  Indeed, flying isn’t something that comes naturally to us.  There are many who spend a lifetime simply stuck to the ground.  They look up at the sky, but never reach out far enough to embrace it.  For those who choose to sprout their imaginary wings…flying is filled with limitless possibilities!  The world looks completely different when seen through a fresh viewpoint.

Why not spread your wings today and experience your world through a whole new depth of vision…just imagine what awaits you!

Peace and love,


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Nothing Will Be Impossible For You

Nothing will be impossible for you

“Fill Me,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2015,

“Nothing will be impossible for you.”  There is hardly a truer statement, for when we put our faith in God, nothing is impossible.

“They can conquer who believe they can.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Nothing will be impossible for you” was a theme that lingered in my mind while I visited with my parents during these past holidays.  As always for me, being at my childhood home made me feel comforted and secure; as if nothing in the world could harm me.  Both of my parents have always gently encouraged me to seek, explore and to develop into the person God made me to be.  My recent visit with them was no different.  Their soothing  words affirming that I have much to give and that God has a unique purpose for my life filled me with a renewed confidence in my abilities.  By the time I’d loaded my little dog and our belongings into the car to return to New York, I felt ready to conquer this new chapter in my life.

“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.”  Matthew 17:20-21

“Nothing will be impossible for you;” do you believe that?  How is it that we can find confidence in such a statement?  The answer is not a difficult one, but it does require something of us.  When we strive to achieve something important in our lives, getting from point A to point B can seem like a foreboding mountain full of nothing but difficulties and disappointments.  It seems like no matter how many or how few resources we have, there is just no easy way to plow through that mountain of misery…it just seems impossible!  But wait!  There is more to it than that.

“Nothing will be impossible for you.”  There is hardly a truer statement, for when we put our faith in God, nothing is impossible.  God promises to supply all of our needs, and to see us safely through any situation…even moving mountains.  All we need to do is turn it over to Him and trust Him to do so…do you?

Peace and love,


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So, You Say

so, you say

Photograph courtesy of my niece, Leia Gabrielle

So, you say don’t try too hard.  But if I don’t dream…I will merely sleep.

“Life is meant to be lived…so live it!”  Felecia R. Weber,

So, You Say

So, you say I shouldn’t do that.

It’s not what’s expected.

But, what if I do?

Will the world fall apart?

So, you say it’s too risky.

What will others think?

But, what will others think?

Does that really matter so much?

So, you say slow down,

tomorrow’s another day.

But, what about today?

Why not fill it up fully first?

So, you say don’t try too hard;

that way you won’t be disappointed.

But, if I don’t dream…

I will merely sleep.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Many times we have to follow our own instincts, that God-given voice that provides wisdom and guidance when we are not certain what to do.  Those whom we trust can provide valuable insight and advise…but ultimately it is your life to live. Taking risks; exploring territory that you’ve never even imagined; taking the plunge into something you’ve always wanted to try…life is meant to be lived…so live it!”

Be inspired, explore, reach higher…soar!

Peace and love,



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On New Beginnings

On New Beginnings

new beginningsA Quote to Carry You

January 5, 2015

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice.  And to make an end is to make a beginning.”  T.S. Eliot

New beginnings…just saying the words fills me with a sense of hope and renewed vigor.  Tossing away the weight of the dinginess of the past year and opening my arms wide in fresh anticipation of the brightness that a whole new one has to offer…I say, let the doors of 2015 fly wide open!

May your new beginnings of the New Year be the best one yet!

Peace and love,


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