Category Archives: Nature

Nature art and photo gallery collection relating to lifestyle themes.

I Couldn’t Ask For More

Couldn't ask for more

Photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2015,

I couldn’t ask for more – Choosing to trust in God for everything in and around my life and experiencing his provision fulfills me in ways that I never have been before.

“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in it’s place.”  C.S. Lewis

I couldn’t ask for more – I usually find myself saying something like that when I receive an answer to prayer, or when I receive some unexpected good news.  I must admit though, when living in my day to day life I may never even consider what I have or do not have.  When I am disappointed about something, or do not receive what I have been seeking, I may allow myself to fall into despair.  Taking the time to concentrate on the subject of contentedness this week has caused me to realize how my reaction to situations impact my well being and my peace.

In my last two posts, On Contentment and It Doesn’t Matter, I have alluded to the fact that true contentment cannot be found in the outcome of our circumstances, but rather, it is a state of being.  As a Christian, I also believe that true contentment can only be experienced through an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.  That being said, it wasn’t until recently, through various circumstances that have happened in my life, that I can honestly say that I am content…that I couldn’t ask for more.

Soon, it will have been one year ago that I had to say goodbye to my husband Stephen when he lost his physical battle with cancer.  Often times throughout this year, I have relived in my mind those agonizing days and months of watching him slowly slip away, and eventually succumb to the ravishment of the disease.  When I’ve thought I’d cried all of the tears that I could’ve ever cried, more of them poured out of me.  Sometimes I feel so lonely that I think it may suffocate me.  The emotional strain of having to start my life all over again has proven to be an enormously overwhelming task.  At times I’ve wondered if I’ll ever feel whole and happy again.  How could I ever say with confidence that I am content and that I couldn’t ask for more?

“Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again:  Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:4-13

My answer to that question was actually found in part through this very experience.  Living through the ordeal of losing my husband has by far been the most difficult time in my life.  It has also produced the most spiritual growth and maturity in my life.  Having to get on with my life on my own caused me to turn from myself to God.  It was in him and through him, that I found the strength and the will to stand up, wipe away my tears, and face my fears…and my future.  It was through the heartache and the pain that God showed me that my circumstances only have power over me if I let them.  Indeed, I had a choice, to get swallowed up and drown in my grief, or release it all over to God, and trust him to be my bridge that would allow me to cross over troubled waters to the unfamiliar territory that awaited me on the other side.

Choosing to trust God for everything in and around my life and experiencing his provision fulfills me in ways that I never have been before.  Of course, I miss my husband everyday and there is still an emptiness that I doubt will ever go away because he is not here to fill it.  But in living beyond that reality, and walking under the abiding grace, strength and abundance that God continually provides, all of my needs are met and my life is blessed because of who God is, nothing more. No matter what I’ve had to go through, no matter what I am facing now, no matter what lies in front of me, with God behind me, beside me and before me, I am covered, I am content, I truly couldn’t ask for more.

May your circumstances fade into the background and may you experience God’s awesomely fulfilling presence, power and provision.

Peace and love,


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All Blessings Flow

All blessings flow

Photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2015,

All blessings flow from God above and their purposes are sure…

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights…” James 1:17

All Blessings Flow

All blessings flow from God above,

no matter what we do.

They can’t be bought, they can’t be earned;

they show the greatness of God’s love for you.

All blessings flow from God above,

and their purposes are sure.

They have a way of perfecting our hearts;

so that there is nothing we can’t endure.

All blessings flow from God above,

they are filled with love and peace, never strife.

They come in many ways, in all shapes and sizes.

What blessings have you experienced in your life?

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Indeed, all blessings do flow from God above, and many of them are easy to see all around us.  They are brilliantly displayed in nature, they come at just the right moment, and often times they come in ways we’ve never expected.

Why not take a moment to ponder the ways in which God has blessed you in your life…and offer up thanks and praise to him.  When you think about it, being able to do that is a blessing in itself!

Peace and love,


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Something About Being a Father

Being a father

Photograph by Feleica R. Weber 2015,

There’s something about being a father…to his family he is their  protector, provider and friend.

“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.”  Sigmund Freud

Something About Being a Father

There’s something about being a father,

to his family he is their protector, provider and friend.

There is nothing that he will keep from his precious ones,

for a father’s responsibility…does it ever end?

There’s something about being a father,

his love swells when he gazes into his child’s eyes.

A father provides instruction, guidance and encouragement;

his character imparts a steadfast integrity; never will he compromise.

There’s something about being a father,

by setting a consistent and honorable example he leads.

No matter what circumstances hurl themselves at their lives,

a father unselfishly strives to meet his family’s needs.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

My best wishes to all father, for a very Happy Father’s Day!

Peace and love,


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Shepherd – What’s in a word?

shepherdShepherd…I can think of nothing more comforting than the thought of me being a helpless sheep with Jesus as my Shepherd…

“The King of love my Shepherd is,

Whose goodness faileth never,

I nothing lack if I am His

And He is mine forever.”*

Protector, comforter, provider, friend, caregiver, gentle guide…the one I want to follow…

Shepherd…What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

“The Lord is my Shepherd,” (Psalm 23:1). I can think of nothing more comforting than the thought of me as a helpless sheep with Jesus as my Shepherd.  My late husband Stephen, without a doubt, also found great comfort in knowing that he needn’t fear anything, for under his Shepherd’s care, everything was complete.  This became more evident to me as I watched him live out his last day.  Although his body had deteriorated a great deal from the cancer that had spread so rapidly, he seemed to be adorned by a pensive strength that allowed him to walk through our home, room by room, seeming to take all of his fond memories into his heart for safekeeping.  He responded to my words and watchful care with a quiet, attentive grace, yet I knew that his mind was very far away.  At one point, as he rested a few hours before he passed, he stretched out his arm as though he was being gently led to a place that the serene expression on his face told me was where he was most willing to go…

“In death’s dark vale I feel no ill

With Thee, dear Lord, beside me;

Thy rod and staff my comfort still,

Thy cross before to guide me.”*

At that moment, the peacefulness that my dear one surely was experiencing made me pause and think of the green pastures and still waters that our Shepherd promises to lead us to and through.  When my Stephen passed, I know that our Shepherd, Jesus, restored his soul…

“And so through all the length of days

Thy goodness faileth never;

Good Shepherd, may I sing they praise

Within Thy house forever.”*

*All verses by Henry W.  Baker, “The King of Love My Shepherd Is.”

Peace and love,



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Time Away

Time awayTime away is a luxury for many; but its true value cannot be determined…

“Oh that I had the wings of a dove; I’d fly away and be at rest.”  Psalm 55:6

Time away can prove to be an invaluable experience, especially when it surrounds you with beauty.  I recently got the chance to spend a most delightful time at The Vanderbilt Mansion and Italian Gardens in Hyde Park, NY with my dear friends Lisa and Walt Richter.  The site is only about an hour’s drive from my home, but it seemed we were thousands of miles away.  Having worked up a bit of an appetite once we arrived, our time away commenced with a picnic  on the vast, manicured grounds.  The weather could not have been more comfortable, and the magnificent views of  The Hudson River Valley were absolutely stunning.

Time awayTouring the opulent mansion felt like traveling back to an era of long ago, while the gardens lured us along fragrant and timeless paths.  I was truly surprised that time had ticked away so quickly as we explored the sites and enjoyed our time away.  To commemorate this particular escape, I purchased a souvenir at the gift shop…a rustic looking paperweight in the shape of a snail.  The little trinket will be a reminder to me of what treasures can be found and experienced when I stop and take some time away.

Time awayTime Away

(a poem about being away…and being at rest)

Time away doesn’t need to be far…

but it should be a memorable experience.

It doesn’t need to be painstakingly planned…

but it should be rich in pleasure.

Time away is a luxury for many…

but its value cannot truly be determined.

Until you go, whether far or near…

you’ll never reap all that time away has in store.

Poem and photographs by Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Time awayMay you set aside some time to get away, no matter how far it is…and may you try to do it often.  Enjoy!

Peace and love,


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Take a Break

Take a Break

“Office in a Small City,” 1953, Edward Hopper. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Take a Break…relax, enjoy, put your work on hold…

“What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines who we are.”  George Eastman

We are fast approaching the time of year when most of us long for the chance to slow down enough to catch our breath.  Even if you can only take a break just long enough to pause and let the sun tickle your face…that is sure to coax a smile to brighten your moment.  While you are smiling, why not take it a step further and laugh aloud…allow it to echo through to your heart.  Now hold onto that lightness and let it grow into the most wonderful sensation; kind of like a private escape.  Just be sure to enjoy it often…let if become a part of you.

Take a Break

Take a break, relax, enjoy…

put your work on hold.

Close your eyes, sit back, imagine…

when you do, just think of what may unfold.

Take a break, don’t worry or fret…

really, what difference will that make?

Let yourself escape for a while,

just enjoy it, for goodness sake!

Take a break, get out, explore…

go on, do yourself a favor.

Life will go on, it won’t come to an end…

besides, you may just have more of it to savor.

Felecia R. Weber, 2015,

Take a break

“Above the Clouds”. A glimpse of a recent “break” of my own. Felecia R. Weber, 2015,

Okay, so what about you?  What are you waiting for?  Go on, close your eyes, relax and take a break!

Peace and love,


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Where Do I Go From Here?

where do I go from here

Pen & ink drawing by Felecia R. Weber circa 1980,

Where do I go from here?  Wondering what is the next step one should take can apply to almost any situation in life.

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”  T.S. Eliot

Where do I go from here?  That is a question that I am certain has been asked by many at some point in their lives.  It is a questions that doesn’t necessarily have to do with traveling from one destination to the next.  Wondering what is the next step one should take can apply to almost any situation in life.  Life in itself is full of uncertainties, as well as countless opportunities.  Unlike plugging in an address into a GPS device and receiving a clearly charted out route, knowing what direction to take when it comes to making critical decisions can be quite confusing.  All too often, we find ourselves so far off course, that we feel lost.

where do i go from here

Pen & ink drawing by Felecia R. Weber circa 1980,

So how does one answer the question, where do I go from here?  I know when I face a fork in the road in my own life, many times I tend to pause and linger too long “taking in the scenery.”  I research, study and weigh my options so much that I suffer from information overload.  I fill my brain with so much “stuff” that, what used to be the perfect amount of information to carry along with me as I move forward, has turned into an oversized mass that I cannot possibly proceed with on my own.  At that point, I feel disoriented and need to seek help from someone else.  Even finding someone to help me can be challenging sometimes…but not when I seek the right source first.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6

Where do I go from here?  Although I may not know exactly how to navigate my way to making the best decision, I do know who will always lead me in the right direction.  God is fully capable of and willing to help each of us through any challenges that we face.  He’ll not only direct us and see us safely through any situation, he’ll also work the outcome to be the very best for us.  He’ll make the way clear for us and stay right by our side until we get to where we need to be.  There is one thing that has to be done individually first though…we need to ask HIM, where do I go from here?

where do i go from here

Pen & ink drawing by Felecia R. Weber circa 1980,

Where will you go from here?  May you find your answer in Him.

Peace an love,



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Joy – What’s in a word?


“A Fresh Start,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Joy – What’s in a word? Feeling like spring is finally upon us, I can honestly say that I feel like jumping for joy!

Happiness, gladness, pleasure, delight.

When I have joy in my heart,

there is no sadness in sight!

Joy makes me feel radiant,

all shining and new.

As fresh as a field all covered in the morning dew!

Happy, delighted, pleased, glad…

What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

Joy is what I felt when I got glimpse of the brilliant yellow petals of the crocus blossom in the photograph above.  After experiencing one of the harshest winters and only just now feeling like spring is finally upon us, I can honestly say that I feel like jumping for joy!  It feels so wonderful to step outside to feed the birds, check the mail or even take out the garbage, when I am greeted at the door by the fresh warmth of the season.  I’ve noticed that my little dog Bilbo and I seem to linger longer on our morning and evening walks…the air is filled with joy!

May you be filled with a brightness today, and may you share your joy with others along the way.

Peace and love,


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