Category Archives: Art Gallery

Art and photo gallery collection relating to lifestyle themes.

Time Away

Time awayTime away is a luxury for many; but its true value cannot be determined…

“Oh that I had the wings of a dove; I’d fly away and be at rest.”  Psalm 55:6

Time away can prove to be an invaluable experience, especially when it surrounds you with beauty.  I recently got the chance to spend a most delightful time at The Vanderbilt Mansion and Italian Gardens in Hyde Park, NY with my dear friends Lisa and Walt Richter.  The site is only about an hour’s drive from my home, but it seemed we were thousands of miles away.  Having worked up a bit of an appetite once we arrived, our time away commenced with a picnic  on the vast, manicured grounds.  The weather could not have been more comfortable, and the magnificent views of  The Hudson River Valley were absolutely stunning.

Time awayTouring the opulent mansion felt like traveling back to an era of long ago, while the gardens lured us along fragrant and timeless paths.  I was truly surprised that time had ticked away so quickly as we explored the sites and enjoyed our time away.  To commemorate this particular escape, I purchased a souvenir at the gift shop…a rustic looking paperweight in the shape of a snail.  The little trinket will be a reminder to me of what treasures can be found and experienced when I stop and take some time away.

Time awayTime Away

(a poem about being away…and being at rest)

Time away doesn’t need to be far…

but it should be a memorable experience.

It doesn’t need to be painstakingly planned…

but it should be rich in pleasure.

Time away is a luxury for many…

but its value cannot truly be determined.

Until you go, whether far or near…

you’ll never reap all that time away has in store.

Poem and photographs by Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Time awayMay you set aside some time to get away, no matter how far it is…and may you try to do it often.  Enjoy!

Peace and love,


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Take a Break

Take a Break

“Office in a Small City,” 1953, Edward Hopper. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Take a Break…relax, enjoy, put your work on hold…

“What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines who we are.”  George Eastman

We are fast approaching the time of year when most of us long for the chance to slow down enough to catch our breath.  Even if you can only take a break just long enough to pause and let the sun tickle your face…that is sure to coax a smile to brighten your moment.  While you are smiling, why not take it a step further and laugh aloud…allow it to echo through to your heart.  Now hold onto that lightness and let it grow into the most wonderful sensation; kind of like a private escape.  Just be sure to enjoy it often…let if become a part of you.

Take a Break

Take a break, relax, enjoy…

put your work on hold.

Close your eyes, sit back, imagine…

when you do, just think of what may unfold.

Take a break, don’t worry or fret…

really, what difference will that make?

Let yourself escape for a while,

just enjoy it, for goodness sake!

Take a break, get out, explore…

go on, do yourself a favor.

Life will go on, it won’t come to an end…

besides, you may just have more of it to savor.

Felecia R. Weber, 2015,

Take a break

“Above the Clouds”. A glimpse of a recent “break” of my own. Felecia R. Weber, 2015,

Okay, so what about you?  What are you waiting for?  Go on, close your eyes, relax and take a break!

Peace and love,


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I Got A Song

i got a song

Colored pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber 1983,

I got a song, you got a song, all God’s children got a song…

I Remember When

“I know why the caged bird sings.”  Maya Angelou

I was reminded of the old spiritual hymn “Going to Shout All Over God’s Heaven,” when it was referenced in a sermon given at my church a couple of Sunday’s ago.   As I heard the first few words of the song, “I got shoes, you got shoes, all God’s children got shoes” being sung to illustrate a point in the sermon, my mind was flooded with childhood memories of me singing that song in our church choir, oh so many years ago,  I remember clearly being so nervous singing my very first solo in front of the congregation.  I felt my voice quivering as I closed my eyes and vocalized the lyrics word by word.  It took all of the courage that I could muster to continue singing the soulful tune, but as I listened to the verses that came out of my mouth, somehow my confidence grew and a calm came over me.  As I got to the end of the song, I felt that I truly could “shout all over God’s heaven!”

Indeed, my favorite verse from that hymn is “I got a song, you got a song, all God’s children got a song…”  There is something about singing that places me into a different mindset; it stirs up a solitude within me.  To me, the smoothness of that elongated sound that seems to dance along the musical chords being played by an accompanying instrument mimics the way God guides his children harmoniously through life.  Even though there are times when tumultuous tunes clamor loudly and off key, his voice can be heard beyond the raucous…because he resides in our hearts.  That is where he composes the most beautiful music, and he creates each song uniquely for you and for me.

Yes, “all God’s children got a song,” but the best is yet to come.  Like the birds chirping their morning melodies at the dawn of each new day, those of us who put our hope and trust in God truly do have something to shout about.  For he has not only blessed us with the hope of a new day, he has also given us the promise of heaven.  When I think of heaven, and the glorious eternity that awaits me there, something wells up inside of me and it feels as though it leaps right out of my mouth.  The hope and anticipation of actually being with my Heavenly Father face to face is something that I cannot fully imagine.  It is however, the very thing that fills my heart with so much joy, so much peace, that when I get there, I am certain that “I’m going to  shout all over God’s heaven!”

Today, may you too be filled with the kind of hope that makes your heart sing…and shout!

Peace and love,







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Where Do I Go From Here?

where do I go from here

Pen & ink drawing by Felecia R. Weber circa 1980,

Where do I go from here?  Wondering what is the next step one should take can apply to almost any situation in life.

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”  T.S. Eliot

Where do I go from here?  That is a question that I am certain has been asked by many at some point in their lives.  It is a questions that doesn’t necessarily have to do with traveling from one destination to the next.  Wondering what is the next step one should take can apply to almost any situation in life.  Life in itself is full of uncertainties, as well as countless opportunities.  Unlike plugging in an address into a GPS device and receiving a clearly charted out route, knowing what direction to take when it comes to making critical decisions can be quite confusing.  All too often, we find ourselves so far off course, that we feel lost.

where do i go from here

Pen & ink drawing by Felecia R. Weber circa 1980,

So how does one answer the question, where do I go from here?  I know when I face a fork in the road in my own life, many times I tend to pause and linger too long “taking in the scenery.”  I research, study and weigh my options so much that I suffer from information overload.  I fill my brain with so much “stuff” that, what used to be the perfect amount of information to carry along with me as I move forward, has turned into an oversized mass that I cannot possibly proceed with on my own.  At that point, I feel disoriented and need to seek help from someone else.  Even finding someone to help me can be challenging sometimes…but not when I seek the right source first.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6

Where do I go from here?  Although I may not know exactly how to navigate my way to making the best decision, I do know who will always lead me in the right direction.  God is fully capable of and willing to help each of us through any challenges that we face.  He’ll not only direct us and see us safely through any situation, he’ll also work the outcome to be the very best for us.  He’ll make the way clear for us and stay right by our side until we get to where we need to be.  There is one thing that has to be done individually first though…we need to ask HIM, where do I go from here?

where do i go from here

Pen & ink drawing by Felecia R. Weber circa 1980,

Where will you go from here?  May you find your answer in Him.

Peace an love,



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Joy – What’s in a word?


“A Fresh Start,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Joy – What’s in a word? Feeling like spring is finally upon us, I can honestly say that I feel like jumping for joy!

Happiness, gladness, pleasure, delight.

When I have joy in my heart,

there is no sadness in sight!

Joy makes me feel radiant,

all shining and new.

As fresh as a field all covered in the morning dew!

Happy, delighted, pleased, glad…

What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

Joy is what I felt when I got glimpse of the brilliant yellow petals of the crocus blossom in the photograph above.  After experiencing one of the harshest winters and only just now feeling like spring is finally upon us, I can honestly say that I feel like jumping for joy!  It feels so wonderful to step outside to feed the birds, check the mail or even take out the garbage, when I am greeted at the door by the fresh warmth of the season.  I’ve noticed that my little dog Bilbo and I seem to linger longer on our morning and evening walks…the air is filled with joy!

May you be filled with a brightness today, and may you share your joy with others along the way.

Peace and love,


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Restored and Renewed

Restored and Renewed

“The Early Bird,” circa 1979, colored pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber,

Restored and renewed – life worth living…experience a restorative grace that beckons renewal and refreshment.

“The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.”  J.M. Barrie, “The Little White Bird”

Restored and renewed – life worth living.  Do you ever question what your purpose in life is?  Do you ever wonder why your life is worth living?  Those are tough questions to answer when life begins to seem like one unending day full of mundane events, peppered with annoyances and issues that cause us a lot of grief.  Or when happy and exciting times start to fade into the background, collecting dust and getting shoved behind the curtains.  What does it take for us to answer them in positive ways?  What is it that causes us to reach beyond the ordinariness of our daily grind…to be restored and renewed – full of life worth living?

Now that the weather has suddenly changed from an almost frigid darkness to a warming brightness, I’ve noticed subtle changes that fill me with the hope and restorative power of spring.  I love to feed the wild birds that find their way to the tree in my front yard throughout the year.  The way they flutter around and gather at the feeder can mesmerize me for several minutes at a time.  During the winter months when wild food becomes scarce, it seems mealtimes at the bird feeder are feverishly hectic.  My little flock of feathered friends seem to frantically wait for me to fill the feeder every day.  Now, however, with the marked onset of warmer temperatures, they seem only to pick, taking a mouthful of seed here and there.  No longer desperate to find food, their frenzied chirps have turned into delicate, soothing melodies filling my ears with a restorative grace that beckons renewal and refreshment.

Like the wild birds feeding outside my home, when we are hungry for restoration and renewal deep within us, we hurriedly hop from one problem or crisis to another.  We try to resolve issues that never seem to end; only to become flustered in the process and not having accomplished anything.  It doesn’t have to be that way, for we need only to ask for help.  God is always there ready and willing to provide the answers and to abundantly supply our needs.  I can tell you this from experiences in my own life.  When I begin to flap my wings seemingly to no avail…I stop and, in faith and confidence, cry out to God for help.  He not only provides the answers, (and always in the most amazing ways, I might add), my heart is calmed and filled with a peace that only He can give.  During those times, I truly am restored and renewed – full of life worth living!

As we enter into this beautiful season, may you pause and seek God’s help…let His love provide the answers that you are seeking and cause you to be restored and renewed as well.

A happy Spring season to you!

Peace and love,


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Emerging, Yet Unfinished

Emerging, yet unfinished

“Emerging,” 2015, graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber,

Emerging, Yet Unfinished…I am emerging, yet still unfinished.  I am realizing more about myself than I ever have in the past.

“Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the work of your hand.”  Isaiah 64:8

Emerging, Yet Unfinished

I am emerging, evolving, becoming.

I am in a place where I’ve never been before.

I am emerging, coming out of my shell.

I am traveling toward the place where I am meant to reside.

I am emerging, yet still unfinished.

I am realizing more about myself than I ever have in the past.

I am emerging, I am excited about who I will become.

I am not certain what my final picture will look like, but that’s okay.

I am emerging, and for now, that’s all I need to be.

I know that when I am complete…I will be the true me.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Life never stands still and neither do we.  In fact, we are constantly emerging, evolving, becoming the persons we may never have thought we would be.

Who is it that your life is shaping you into being?

Peace and love,


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A Friend Indeed

A friend indeedA friend indeed, whether it’s at night or during the day…close by my side is where he wants to stay.

“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.  You are his life, his love, his leader.  He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.  You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.”  (Author Unknown)

A Friend Indeed

(A poem dedicated to my little companion, my little friend Bilbo)

A friend indeedA friend indeed,

yes, that’s my four-pawed friend.

Whenever I’m happy, whenever I’m sad,

he’s the one on which I can always depend.

A friend indeedA friend indeed,

whether it’s night or during the day,

no matter what it is that I’m doing;

close by my side he wants to stay.

A friend indeedA friend indeed,

he can’t tell time nor what day it is of the week.

But he knows how to say “I love you,”

in ways that don’t require him to speak.

A friend indeedA friend indeed,

his sweet, brown eyes, they tell me so much.

Like how much I am needed, (and I need him too).

I hope he know how deeply my heart he has touched.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

A friend indeed“Calling all dog lovers!”

If you have a four-legged, furry friend that you’d like to have featured in a poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia, at

Hope to hear from you soon!

Peace and love,


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