Category Archives: Inspirations

Inspirational art, photo and writing collection relating to lifestyle themes.

Imagine – What’s in a word?


Imagine – Photograph courtesy of Gail_mi

Imagine – What’s in a word?

”There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination and wonder.” —Ronald Regan

Imagine – What’s in a word?

Imagine what things would be like,

If the world could read your mind.

What types of things would they see?

Would they be giving, loving and kind?

Imagine what you would do,

If you could live your dreams.

To be the person you were meant to be…

It’s not as hard as it seems.

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

Imagine – Now that’s a word that can potentially have as many meanings as whatever the mind can conjure up.  Many times when this word is uttered, it’s in such contexts as, “Can you imagine that?” The answer to that question is most probably yes.  But what if we take it on step further?  If you can imagine it…can you do it?  Can you have it?  Can you be it?

The human imagination is a powerful creation in itself.

Why not use it to imagine something positive, something worthwhile, something achievable?

To create a mental image, to wonder, to suppose what is true…

Imagine – What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

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In You I See

In you I see

In You I See – Photograph courtesy of Gail_m

In You I See beauty, one that’s waiting to unfold…

”Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”  —Gerard De Nerval

In You I See

In you I see beauty, one that’s waiting to unfold.

The kind that I want to reach out to and hold.

In you I see brightness, the kind that lights up a room.

Your fragrance, your color, makes the whole world bloom.

In you I see softness, it’s just the quiet nature of you…

You are delicate yet strong, humble and considerate in all you do.

In you I see the type of person who reflects what perfection might be…

But it’s your own unique qualities that are precious to me.

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

In You I See – There are many aspects that combine to make each of us unique.  And like the photograph above, when we focus on the beauty of any given individual, everything else around them seems to fade away.  Sometimes I envision the world as being one huge garden, with every person being a flower.  Can you imagine what that would be like?

When it comes to flowers, there are so many colors, so many fragrances, and so many different requirements for optimal growth.

Some flowers flourish in full sunlight, while others thrive in the shade.  Some need to be watered everyday, while others can survive during long periods of drought.  Some flowers produce hardy buds that can withstand harsh cold.  But the petals of others seem to shrivel up at the very possibility of a frost.

I could go on at length picturing my imaginary garden with its multiple varieties of flowers and the special needs that they all have.  The more I think about it, the more I realize how similar a garden full of flowers is to the world full of people.  And one thing that both the flowers in a garden and the people of the world require is attentive care in order to reach their full beauty and potential.

Indeed, we are all unique and we all have a purpose, but it is up to us to do what is necessary to bloom.  Is there something that you can do more of to enhance your life and the lives of others?  Just think of how the world would flourish if we all did our part!

Peace and love,


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Draw Near to Me

Draw near to me

Draw Near to Me – Photograph courtesy of Gail_m

Draw near to me and be at peace, for I am the one that you truly seek…

”Come near to God and he will come near to you.”  —James 4:8

Draw Near to Me

Draw near to me and be at peace,

For I am the one that you truly seek.

You know not the things that I have planned;

They are not the same as you demand.

Draw near to me, all your desires I’ll fulfill;

You’ll continue to wallow in vain, until.

I will never leave you, stay hidden beneath my wings…

There is no better comfort than I, your Heavenly Father, brings.

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

Draw near to me – an inviting phrase, isn’t it?  It makes me think of a young child burying his face into his mother’s bosom after having fallen and scraped his knee.  Or the open arms of an old friend that you haven’t seen in years, ready to envelope you into a warm embrace.  We are drawn to many inanimate objects that bring us comfort too.  Some of those things can be helpful, like a hot cup of tea to warm you up after coming in from the cold.  But many things in the world that are soothing initially are ultimately devastatingly harmful:  alcohol, drugs, and tobacco product to name a few.  None of these things, good or bad, can offer lasting comfort or provide the kind of help that we seek, that drew us to them in the first place, however…

”Come near to God and he will come near to you.”  —James 4:8

When you receive an invitation to “draw near to me” from the one who can fulfill your every need, now that’s an invitation worth accepting!

It is not possible for God to fail you, he is the creator of the universe, the beginning and the end.  Nothing was created without his hand in it…including you.  So when he beckons you to “draw near to me,” you can be certain that he will indeed draw near to you.  But that’s not all…

Whenever you allow yourself to come into the presence of the Almighty, there truly is no better place to be.  Your surrendered heart will not only be filled…his grace and provision will overflow into every area of your life.

Well, what are you waiting for…draw near to him!

Peace and love,


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Rhythms, A Poem of Life

Rythms, A Poem of Life

Rythms, A Poem of Life – Photograph property of

Rhythms, A Poem of Life – “I want the freedom to live my life; yet freedom isn’t free.  But there is power in living fully in the way God meant for me.” —FRW

”’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’” —Jeremiah 29:11

Rhythms, A Poem of Life

(a poem inspired by Ecclesiastes 1:1-18…struggles and hope)

Verily, verily – I tell you the truth,

Times like these haunt my days,

up ‘til now, way back to my youth.

In my mind resides turmoil, frustration, and strife…

Born from the hand that’s been dealt in my life.

No. It hasn’t always been pretty.

I’m not gonna lie.

But I swear I’ll keep fighting, ‘til the day I die.

What is the meaning, desperate for answers I search…

High and low, in the streets, in my heart…knocking on the doors of the church.

Gotta find some peace, for my soul to be still…

Is there nothing on earth, my longing will fulfill?

Maybe that’s the problem, when this world pains me so…

Need to peer through the darkness,

see clearly in the light…then I will know.

My life is a book…the best part still to be written…

No matter what lies ahead…I’m never quittin’.

The wounds of my life have wrought scars of steel…

God is commander of this battle,

and to me the victory he’ll reveal.

Felecia R. Weber 2016,

Rythms, A Poem of Life A tribute is given to those whose actions they deserve, to those who’ve gone humbly forward with a dignity; that at times was hard to preserve.  For those who’ve triumphed over hurdles that were unwarranted and unfair.  For those who keep fighting for what’s right, no matter the color of their skin; no matter the texture of their hair.  Even though the plight goes on…it seems never ending for some.  I applaud those whose struggles have made a difference for generations to come.  So here is a special tribute from me…an homage this week, to our nation’s Black History.

Peace and love,


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Do You Love Me?

Do you love me?

Do You Love Me? – Image property of

Do you love me? – Love is an emotion that can spawn several different answers to that question…

”If you do not love me I shall not be loved.  If I do not love you I shall not love.”  —Samuel Beckett

Do You Love Me?

Do you love me? (Her)

Yes, I love you, of course I love you? (Him)

Why do you ask? (Him)

I don’t know, I guess I just need to be sure. (Her)

Do you love me? (Her)

I just answered that question…yes! (Him)

Why do you ask? (Him)

Sometimes it doesn’t seem as though you do. (Her)

Do you love me? (Her)

Can’t you tell?  I am here aren’t I? (Him)

But why are you here? (Her)

Because I LOVE you. (Him)

Do you love me? (Her)

I love you more than anything…please don’t ask me again. (Him)

Do you love me? (Him)

Yes, of course I love you.  Why do you ask? (Her)

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

Do you love me? – That’s an age old question that has been asked by us and of us, I am sure more than once.  Love is an emotion that can spawn several different answers to that question.  Whether the reply is a verbal, “Yes, I love you.”, or shown by a tender hug or receiving a special gift, it is certainly a question that cannot be ignored…no matter how it is answered.

Do you love me? Is also a question that has a depth of meaning to it…

When someone asks Do you love me?, the very reason for asking that question may not even have anything to do with love.  I believe we all have an innate sense of whether we are loved or not.  Some forms of love are natural, such as the instinctual love that a mother has for her newborn child, and the romantic love that develops between two individuals that goes beyond just a physical attraction towards each other.  I suspect that we ask such a question more out of the need to be accepted by others, something that is not necessarily intrinsic, but rather based on one’s personal preferences.  It’s kind of like not wanting to be the proverbial last kid to be picked for the soccer team…won’t you pick me, please?…do you value who I am?

No doubt, this question will be asked in some form or another by many during this week as we celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Perhaps before you ask that question of another, why not try posing it to yourself? Do I love me?  Sounds kind of strange doesn’t it?  But isn’t it one of the most important questions to ask yourself?  And isn’t giving yourself an honest answer just as important?  Too many of us fail to realize how lovable we are…and in turn, how critical it is that we accept ourselves for who we are first.

”The second is this:  ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no command greater than these.”  —Luke 10:27

In the Bible, Jesus tells us to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27).  In fact, he states that it is the second most important of all the Ten Commandments; (“To love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” being the first).  But how can you love your neighbor if you don’t love and accept yourself?  I believe that we can genuinely love and accept those around us, our neighbors, co-workers, family members and friends, with an undeniable ferocity.  Can you imagine how dynamic such relationships would be if your love and acceptance of yourself were just as strong?  The first step in doing that however, is to love and accept the one who “…first loved us.”  (1 John 4:19)

Do you love me?  Before asking this questions, consider how much God loves you as the unique person he lovingly created you to be. When you embrace that truth…do you even need to ask the question at all?

Wishing you peace and much love,

Felecia ❤️

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What Does That Mean For Me?

What does that mean for me?

What Does That Mean For Me? – Photograph by Nathan Anderson/Unsplash

What Does That Mean For Me? – There are many types of friendships spanning from platonic to romantic, but there is one thing that they all have in common.

”A friend loveth at all times.” —Proverbs 17:17

What Does That Mean For Me?

What does it mean to love you?  What does that mean for me?

You know I’d do anything for you…but what does that mean for me?

Even when you make me angry; even when you make me cry;

I know you never really mean to hurt me…but what does that mean for me?

Thoughts of you consume me, even when you are not there.

No matter the distance between us; you know I’ll always care.

Nothing can separate us because our lives have already crossed…

You are a part of me forever…but what does that mean for me?

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

What does that mean for me? – It’s a strange question that can be asked of many things.  In this context, I’d like to speak about relationships, specifically friendships.

There are many types of friendships spanning from platonic to romantic, but there is one thing that they all have in common.  All relationships require each party to give of themselves to the other.  I love how this concept is so beautifully illustrated in the interaction between the fox and the little prince in Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s The Little Prince:

(The fox speaking to the little prince):

”’Please-tame me!’ he said. 

‘What must I do to tame you?’ asked the little prince.

’You must be very patient,’ replied the fox.  ‘First you will sit down at a little distance from me-like that- in the grass.  I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing.  Words are the source of misunderstandings.  But you will sit a little closer to me, every day…’”

What does that mean for me?  I believe to be a friend to someone, one must become familiar with that person…their strengths, their vulnerabilities, their habits…everything about them.  This is done mostly by quiet observation, remember, actions speak louder than words.  Throughout this process, one must also give of themselves, by sharing the same with the other person.  It sounds like an arduous task, that is hardly worth the effort…but there is more…

(Again, the fox speaking to the little prince):

”You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”

Once a friendship is cultivated, it can never be undone really; if it is a true friendship.

Merriam-Webster defines a friend as “one attached to another by affection or esteem.”  Being attached or associated with someone for any length of time does create a history between the two.  And that time cannot be erased, neither the good nor the bad.  The bond of a true friendship is a powerful thing which can and will withstand anything…

(More wise words from the fox to the little prince):

”One runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets oneself be tamed…”

Just as challenges arise in our individual lives, obstacles threaten to undo friendships.  Emotions tend to play a huge part in this aspect of a relationship…because true friends affect our hearts.  And it is within our hearts that our true selves reside…

(Again, the fox speaking to the little prince):

“But if you come at just any time, I shall never know at what hour my heart is to be ready to greet you.”

Being attached to another, a true friend becomes a part of ourselves.  Our door is always open to them, and we greet them with open arms.  There is no distance, (spatially or emotionally), that is out of reach for the bond that seals the hearts of true friends.

Friendship…what does it mean for you?

Peace and love,


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Doors Open, Doors Close

Doors open, doors close

Doors Open, Doors Close – Photograph by Peter Oswald/Unsplash

Doors Open, Doors Close – Some doors open, but we never step inside.  Other times we rush in, looking for a place to hide.

”Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.” —Tom Stoppard

Doors Open, Doors Close

Doors open, doors close…

Some doors open, but we never step inside.

Other times we rush in, looking for a place to hide.

Doors open, doors close…

We knock, not knowing what we’ll find.

Is it something new or the same as what we’ve left behind?

Doors open, doors, close…

It’s okay to go slowly; carefully turn the knob and take a peek.

It takes a great deal of courage to go after that which we seek.

Doors open, doors close…

Once you’ve entered, it’s up to you what happens next…

You are the author, fill your new world with spectacular text!

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

Doors open, doors close – Can you imagine being inside a mansion filled with rooms; each one hidden behind closed doors?  Turning the knob, and hearing it click is so exciting! It’s hard not to burst through the door to see what’s behind it.  Ahhh, a beautiful, sun-filled room beckons you to enter.  What a wonderful welcome, until the blazing heat begins to smother you and you dash to the next door.  You open it so quickly that you nearly tumble through this doorway. Brrr, the room is starkly different from the last.  Dark, dreary and cold, you start to shiver.  You back up to exit and slam the door shut, hoping the next one will offer something just right for you.

Sound familiar?  Isn’t life like that?…

Life can be like a series of opened doors that cause us to either step out and move forward, or step back and try to hold onto the past.  There are so many factors that lead us to making the decisions that we make.  Sometimes they are positive and we make great strides in accomplishing our goals.  Other times, our choices can cause us to fall flat on our faces, and lose more than we’d ever imagined.  Indeed, doors open…and doors close.

”A very little key will open a very heavy door.” —Charles Dickens

I believe that no matter what is on the other side of the threshold…the important thing is that we step through it.  Knock lightly, or bust the door wide open, only you can determine how long you’ll stay in the new place you’ve entered into…and how pleasing it will be.  Go on…turn the knob.

Peace and love,


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Hold On to the Music

Hold On to the Music

Hold On to the Music – Photograph by Radek Grzybowski/Unsplash

Hold On to the Music – No matter what tempo the music of life is playing at any given moment…we can stay in harmony when we tune our ears, and our hearts, to the song God has composed for each of us.

”It’s easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself.”  —Johann Sebastian Bach

Hold On to the Music

Hold on to the music,

Just let the lyrics sing.

For we never know what tempo

Each season of life will bring.

Hold on to the music,

Just let the instruments play.

When God is your conductor,

He’ll surely guide your way.

Hold on to the music,

Just let the melody hum.

Living surrendered to Him,

No matter what…blessings will come.

Felecia R. Weber 2019,

Hold on to the music – Sometimes life can seem like a symphony being performed by an orchestra.  I often imagine myself as a musician playing a different instrument during each season of my life.  I visualize God as the conductor, with his baton leading me through the continuous rythym of each day.  I savor the tranquility of the calm melody that soothes my ears when things are going smoothly.  But before long, the steady beat of my drum gradually explodes into a crescendo of uncontrollable circumstances that throw me off-key.

 “No matter what tempo the music of life is playing at any given moment…we can stay in harmony when we tune our ears, and our hearts, to the song God has composed for each of us.”

Holding on to the music of life requires listening with our hearts, because when we live under God’s direction, it really is like hearing a love song.  Musically, nothing tugs at my emotions more than the long, rich strands of a bough gliding along the strings of a violin.  God’s love for us is like that, so deep and full, there is nothing that can separate us from him.  Whether life sings a joyous hallelujah or the most solemn of requiems, we need only hold on to the music of our composer’s voice.  For his love transcends anything we can possibly face.

”I am living my life to the beat of a different drum, and making my own beautiful music along the way.” —FRW

Peace and love,


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