Tag Archives: grace

God Came Down to Me

God Came Down to Me

“Pale Pink Cosmos”, Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

This poem was written by my niece and Goddaughter, Alexia, as a Christmas present to my husband and me several years ago.  I was very touched by it, because I know that it revealed so much of her heart.  Thank you Alexia, for being the precious niece that you are to me.

God Came Down to Me

A poem by Alexia D. Ghering

Each time I walked with eyes cast down

and felt too weak to reach God in prayer,

it was then, he came down to me,

As he watched my footsteps falter.

Within my heart, he poured out his grace,

and gave me strength to walk on farther; Continue reading

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Peace -pink peony

“Miss Lucy” Peony (6/25), photograph by Chris Bartlett 


What do you think of when you think of “peace?”  What imagery comes to your mind?  I recently went to a concert at the site where the original Woodstock Music Festival was held…the well-known “peace sign” spoke its message throughout that place.  At the burial site at my grandmother’s funeral, a flock of white doves was released into the air…I remember thinking of how “peaceful” they looked as they dressed the skies with their quiet beauty.  Sometimes, I think of it when the splendor of a breathtaking piece of music makes its way through my ears and into my soul, and I pause for a moment to let it serenade my heart with its melody.

Peace. It means so many things to so many people. Continue reading

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