Daily Archives: November 20, 2013

It’s the Little Things

It's the Little Things

“Parisian Street Scene” (Detail), C. 1885, Jean Beraud, Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

It’s the little things that fill up our lives and make them worth living…funny how the little things really aren’t so small.

It’s the Little Things

The way you call my name,

so tenderly, with such passion.

The way you draw me near, and hold my hand,

it’s the little things, that never go out of fashion.

The lovely surprises, the candy, perfume and flowers,

Your loving care, the security you provide,

Those quiet times we share together,

there’s nothing I love more than those special hours.

It’s the little things you do, that mean so much to me.

You can make me smile with a simple gesture,

and lift me up with a single word.

Especially in all of these things, it is your love that I see.

Thank you so much for all that you are,

for your courage, your honesty, your determination,

your compassion, your willingness to give,

and for knowing that at any moment your are never far.

In you God has given me so much more,

I never have imagined I could ever be so blessed.

You are my partner, my companion, my lover,

my friend, the one with whom we’ve so much yet to explore.

Felecia R. Weber, OnthewingofaDove.com

For my husband Stephen…I am grateful for all of the love you’ve shared with me over these past 26 years.  Happy Anniversary! 🙂


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