Daily Archives: November 17, 2014

On Love and Loss

On Love and Loss

on love and lossA Quote to Carry You

November 17, 2014

“If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”  Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights

On love and loss…I believe that losing someone can be the catalyst for loving others more deeply.  One thing that I’ve learned after having lost my dear husband, is that life does go on…whether we choose to accept it or not…and it waits for no one.  Another thing that I have realized is that, losing a loved one does not have to be a time of emptiness.  It can actually be the fullest time one can ever experience.  When we move forward in love, bringing the love that we had for our beloved along with us, letting it saturate our lives, our loss becomes a beautiful bounty that we can share with those around us.

When the time comes for you to experience love and loss…may it spawn a harvest of love that never ends.

Peace and love,


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