Monthly Archives: November 2014

On Listening

On Listening

on listeningA Quote to Carry You

November 10, 2014

“I believe life is much more meaningful when we spend more time listening with our hearts than with our ears.”  Felecia R. Weber,

Our daily world is flooded with the “noise of life.”  Sometimes the volume is turned up so high we can hardly think.  When this happens, I envision an internal switch, that when I turn it to the “off” position, my physical world is instantly silent.  The only way I can hear anything is by listening through my heart.  Oh the wonderful things I am told; oh the glorious revelations my heart holds.

What about you…what are you listening to?  Does it come from what you hear from your ears…or your heart?

Peace and love,


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On the Horizon

On the Horizon

Photograph courtesy of Lisa Richter

On the Horizon, a vision so vast, skies the limit, not looking back to the past…

“The time has come to face the music, no more rehearsals…life is for real.”   Felecia R. Weber,

On the Horizon

On the horizon,

a vision so vast,

skies the limit, not looking back to the past.

A freshness, a boldness,

what treasures to behold.

Like the colors of a sunrise; dazzling like gold.

On the horizon,

old things are washed away;

never forgotten, but not always meant to stay.

We are here today and gone tomorrow.

What then with our time shall we do?

Go forth, always seeking that which is true.

Felecia R. Webre 2014,

When life puts you “on the horizon,” let it be a time of resiliency and growth…we only get one chance at life…make it worth living!

Peace and love,


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This is Ezekiel, the beautiful and loving Labradoodle, who belongs to my dear friends Pamela & Royal Starkey

Ezekiel! He puts smiles on faces that once were so sad.

“I believe that God defined unconditional love when he created dogs.”  Felecia R. Weber, On


Here is Ezekiel and oh what a lad.

He puts smiles on faces that once were so sad.


Ezekiel helps make reading a lot more fun!


Ezekiel uses his therapy dog skills to help so many people feel better.

He’s such a comfort and he’s playful too;

how he loves to join in on the things his humans do!


“Did someone say TREATS?!!”


“Okay, are we cycling?…vroom, vroom!


“…or driving the car?!!”

Ezekiel is curious, and in his own special way…

he’ll make you chuckle and always brighten your day!


“Hmmm, okay…well, this is definitely not a toy, but can we keep it anyway?!!”


“Tell the truth…how do I look?”

Poem by Felecia R. Weber 2014,; photographs courtesy of Pamela Starkey


The name Ezekiel means “strength of God,” and this loving and caring pooch certainly lives up to his name in the way he helps to strengthen the buoyancy of life in others. Thank you for your service to others Ezekiel!

“Calling all dog lovers!”

If you have a four-legged furry friend that you’d like to have featured in a poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia, at

Hope to hear from you soon!

Peace and love,


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On the Future

On the Future

on the futureA Quote to Carry You

November 3, 2014

“…No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.”  1 Corinthians 2:9

This verse explains it perfectly…that is my  future.  The hope, the wonder, the inexpressible joy that fills my heart when I think of what my Heavenly Father has in store for me; for my future.  I am beaming!

Peace and love,



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