Daily Archives: June 22, 2015

On Living Deeply

On Living Deeply

living deeplyA Quote to Carry You

June 22, 2015

“The universe is wider than our view of it.”  Henry David Thoreau

On living deeply – Summer has arrived, a whole new season has blossomed right before our eyes.  Isn’t it amazing how no matter what is going on in our daily lives, the cycle of nature silently revolves, uninterrupted and consistently.  Outside my den window right now, the trees are adorned with vibrant shades of green leaves swaying ever so gently in the mild breeze.  It is as though they are whispering a song of welcome to the new season.  In three short months time, those same branches will be splattered with hints of red and golden hues signaling that autumn is fast approaching.  Their leaves will surely rustle and clamor to a different tune by then.  I only hope that, like today, I will take the time to pause and receive the beautifully fascinating gift that God has created and bestowed upon us.

Living deeply, experiencing our world in the profound way that it deserves…can you imagine how much more valuable your own life would be if you do just that?

Peace and love,


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