Category Archives: People

Inspirational people collection relating to lifestyle themes.

In An Instant

In an instant

Photograph courtesy of Gail_mi

In an instant – Life is so fragile, how the moments go…in an instant, lives are taken, to where we don’t always know…

“…and suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were unfastened.”  Acts 16:26


In An Instant 

Life is so fragile, how the moments go…

In an instant, lives are taken,

to where we don’t always know.


So time goes by, only memories day after day…

In an instant, a family torn apart.

A mother’s tears grow silent; in her heart they stay.


Oh the pain, of not knowing what’s next.

In an instant, world’s turned upside down…

Leaving loved ones confused and perplexed.


My God, my God, please tell us why!

In an instant, seasons change from light to dark.

Still no answer…just an echoing of our cry!


Then suddenly, it happens…can it be true?

In an instant it’s over…shadows lift…light pours in.

No matter the reason…God our praise and thanks go to you!

Felecia R. Weber, 2018

In an instant – Life can change overnight.  Things we think can never happen, do. Things we often take for granted can be rocked so hard, our foundations threaten to crack. Those are the times that make or break us, and we have no choice but to go through them.

When the pressures of life become so intense, and your fragile world is shattered, remember that God is only an instant away.  If he is your foundation, it doesn’t matter how deep or wide the chasm. For what God allows to break, he always puts back together again stronger and more beautifully than before.

This post is dedicated to our “Little Princes”…you boys light up our world.  Thanking God for showing us that no matter how delicate life appears…with him as our foundation, there is nothing that he cannot put back together again.

Peace and love,


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“Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”

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I Matter

I Matter

“I Matter” Photograph property of 2018

I matter, though the world may not see…gonna reveal to the world all the gifts God has given me…

“It’s not what has happened to you.  It’s who you become because of it.”  – Ria Story

I Matter

I matter, you must know…

Within me a seed was planted, so long ago.

Yeah, I’ve made mistakes; haven’t we all?

But something inside me picks me up when I fall.

I matter, can you tell? Can’t you see?

There’s this power that resides in the deepest part of me.

Oh, I know, I’m quiet, polite and shy…

But, I’ve grown my wings…now it’s time for me to fly.

I matter, though the world may not see…

Gonna reveal to all, the gifts God has given me.

A life well-lived is not to keep to oneself…

So I’m opening myself up, like taking a book off the shelf.

I matter, what I have is unique and worth sharing…

And to everyone in my life, thanks for all of your love and caring.

Felecia R. Weber 2018

I Matter – The truth is, everyone matters, but sometimes we are the last ones to realize it.  We all have been endowed with  gifts that are uniquely our own. Be they talents for music, art or writing, having an aptitude for working well with numbers, or being able to build or fix things with ease…we all have something to offer others…including our own life experiences.

My challenge to you is to determine what it is you do best…that thing that makes you matter…and share it with those around you.  Sharing a part of yourself with others is what makes you matter the most!

Peace and love,


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“Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”

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One Step at a Time

One Step

“First Steps” Photograph property of (2018)

One step at a time

”In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

One step at a time

One step at a time,

So many directions,

Like typing out words,

Without making corrections.


We spin and we toil,

For most of our days.

When things fall apart,

It seems none of the effort pays!


One step at a time,

That’s all we can do.

For God has the answers,

I know first hand that is true.


So stop for a moment,

Although time won’t stand still.

You’ll be much better off,

When you seek and follow His will.


Felecia R. Weber, 2018,


One step at a time, that seems simple doesn’t it?  If you’ve ever watched a baby take his first steps, you’ll realize that it’s not such an easy thing to do. When it comes to navigating through life’s paths, it doesn’t get any easier.  We’ve so many choices, so many responsibilities, so many demands, that sometimes we find ourselves simply standing still!  When that happens one step at a time may well be all we can handle, but not on our own.

One Step

“Footprints” Photograph property of (2018)

As described in the well known “Footprints in the Sand” quote, when life gets to be overwhelming and we turn to God for help, he is not only there with us every step of the way, he carries us when we’ve lost our way.  He leads us to where he wants us to be…one step at a time.


Shout out to my sister, Marjorie…Happy birthday sister…I love you!


Peace and love,


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“Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”
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On Time

On Time

TimeA Quote to Carry You

August 6, 2018

“Time is a created thing.  To say “I don’t have time” is to say, “I don’t want to.”  -Lao Tzu

Thoughts on time…

I am guilty of this very thing!  I’ve been at my childhood home for the past few months helping my mom, and today happened to be “house cleaning day.”  Call me crazy, but I do enjoy cleaning and it’s one thing that I can be sure to give me a sense of accomplishment when it’s finished.  Today, in addition to my other cleaning tasks, my mom asked me to check and clean a filter that is part of the vacuum cleaner.  To do this would require me to have to take the time to read the instruction manual to be sure the filter is cleaned properly, which I’ll admit is something I really did not want to do. So…my response to her request was, “Mom, I don’t have time to do that!”


Time…whether we want to take the time to do something or not, time is a precious resource that really should be used wisely.  We’ve all got an equal amount of time in a twenty-four hour period, but how much of it do we actually spend doing things that really matter or things that truly make a difference?  How we choose to use the time granted to us each day says a lot about who we are, and when we say, “I don’t have time” for one thing or another, we are really prioritizing what matters most to us.


When I replied to my mom that I didn’t have time to bother with her request, I was actually saying that I’d rather spend that time doing something that was more meaningful to me.  In general, our time is our own, but that doesn’t mean we are not to share it with others.  In fact, I often find that when I make time for others a priority, the time that I do spend on myself becomes even more valuable, and well spent!


Well, I’ve already decided that I will pull out the vacuum instruction manual and make sure the filter gets cleaned. Then I’ll not only have learned something, but more importantly, it will please my mom.  How about you?  When you think about how you spend your time, does it include a good balance of “me” time for yourself and “we” time for and/or with others?  When it does you’ll find that there is time for everything…and everything has it’s time.


Thanks for visiting…it’s good to be back!

Peace and love,




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For Those Who Walk Alone

those who walk alone

Photograph courtesy of Ray Flanagan

For those who walk alone – a poem dedicated in celebration of my precious one’s birthday, February 9th…Happy Birthday Steve…I will always love you.

For Those Who Walk Alone

For those who walk alone,

There is a privilege, grace and power.

Our strength has no limits, our wisdom abounds…

We walk in a realm all our own.

For those who walk alone,

It’s not a life to be pitied or unnoticed.

Our tears never weigh us down,

They cleanse our hearts, to enable a new harvest to grow.

For those who walk alone,

Remember always, you are never alone truly,

For although God walks with us, side by side,

He was there in the past behind us…and tomorrow, He is already there.

Felecia R. Weber 2016,

One of the most powerful memories that I have of my late husband happened on the night that he passed.  It seemed he’d been in dreamlike state throughout that day.  Amazingly, he walked around the house, up and down the stairs, traveled in the car to his doctor’s office for hydration, just like a “normal” day in his life as a cancer patient.  He was his usual soft spoken, good-natured, courteous self.  I knew in my heart that indeed that could be his last day here with us on earth, but it seemed like he was already somewhere between here and heaven.

As you can imagine, by that stage, the disease had taken its horrible toll on him.  He had wasted away to only a shadow of the man he’d always been.  That late afternoon, however, as he rested. stretched out on the bed in the haze of the dimming sunlight, there was a wholeness and serenity to him that I’ll never forget.  As he lay quietly on the bed, he stretched out his left arm and held it there for a long while.  He wore a slight smile on his face.  All I could imagine is that he was being gently ushered into his true home, to be with our lord.  As I stood next to the bed just gazing upon that peaceful sight, I closed my eyes, and through the lenses of hope and truth, I could see my Stephen, confidently walking toward the light, toward our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Now as I continue to walk alone, here on earth, I replay that image in my mind…what calmness, what peace…what a treasure our Lord is for those who walk alone.

“However, as it is written:  ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human has conceived’ – the things God has prepared for those who love him.”  1 Corinthians 2:9

Peace and love,


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On Endings

On Endings

endingsA Quote to Carry You

December 28, 2015

“Verily I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.”  John 5:24

On endings – The nice thing about endings is that they herald beginnings.  When one thing ends, surely a new thing begins.  Life is perpetual, when some part of it dies, another part of it begins.  That cycle is true throughout all of nature, and it spans across both the physical and spiritual realms.  In a way, endings are not that at all.  For endings are beginnings…this is something that has been beautifully demonstrated to me recently.

I have a very dear friend who is nearing the end of her earthly life.  Although I have only known Angela for a short time, she is one of those special kinds of people who, when you meet them, it seems as though you’ve known them for your entire life.  As I have gotten to know my sweet friend over this past year, I’ve come to realize that God has given to me a very special gift; one that I shall cherish all of my days.  It saddens my heart to think that although I have so enjoyed the friendship that I have had the pleasure of sharing with Angela, it has become evident to me that, because of the aggressiveness of her illness, it may not be long before it ends.  Despite the very real possibility of our friendship coming to an end, somehow it seems as though it has only begun.

Over these past few months, I have been blessed by having the opportunity to meet some Angela’s family members and friends.  It brightens my heart each time they mention bits and pieces about her character to me.  Upon meeting this precious soul, I could tell very quickly that Angela had a deep compassion for others and an amazing willingness to help those around her.  That instinct was greatly substantiated by the stories about her life that Angela’s husband and mother have so graciously shared with me.  Even though Angela can no longer physically express the beauty that lies within her heart, I am reminded of her kind spiritedness whenever I think of her and the way she shared her love with others.  In that way, I see this particular ending truly as a beginning.

Endings need not be something to dread, especially when they bring with them the treasures that beginnings can carry with them.  The same is true with life.  In that God has given each of us the gift of life, it can never truly be taken away…for when physical life ends, spiritual life begins.  For those of us who have put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, abiding in his love daily, what a glorious beginning spiritual life in His actual presence will be.  As it was when my husband passed on, just knowing that the ending of physical life sets in motion the beginning of eternal, spiritual life in Christ, provides all believers with an awesome sense of security and peace.  In that same way, it is my prayer that, when the time comes for Angela’s physical ending, her spiritual beginning in the Lord’s presence will usher in a sustaining hope for her loved ones.

When you face significant endings in your own life, may you experience the hope, joy and sustaining peace that their true beginnings bring.

(I dedicate this post to my dear friend Angela Mullings, who at the time of this writing, (12/10/15), continues her battle with cancer.  I want to thank you for being such an amazing inspiration to all of us who’ve been given the opportunity to know you.  Indeed, your kindness, compassion and love will live on through the lives you’ve touched throughout all eternity.  I love you sweet friend.)

Peace and love,


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One and Only You

One and Only

“Lover’s Eyes,” c. 1840, American, Dale T. Johnson Fund. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

One and Only You – reveal the magnificent person you are, so the others may see…

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do.”  Ephesians 2:10

One and Only You

One and only you,

There are things that only you can do.

You are beautiful in your own way;

Let others see that beauty every day.

No one on earth can be who you are,

You shine brightly as does a twinkling star.

One and only you,

Never settle for anything less than your best.

For when you give your all, others will be blessed.

Seek and find out who you were purposed to be.

Reveal the magnificent person that you are, so others may see.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

We have all been created with a unique purpose.   The gifts that we hold within us are our own to share with others.  In fact, I believe that when we discover and begin to use those gifts, we all benefit from what each of us contributes to the world.  One and only you, one and only me…what a blessing our Lord God has created for all the world to see!

Peace and love,



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On Uniqueness

On Uniqueness

uniquenessA Quote to Carry You

November 9, 2015

“The question is not what we intend ourselves to be, but what He intended us to be when he made us.”  C.S. Lewis

On uniqueness – Do you ever ponder the fact that in all the world, there is absolutely no one exactly like you?  You are different from each of the other billions of people who’ve ever lived.  Uniqueness, being the one and only you, is something that we all possess.  Thinking about our uniqueness even further…do you ever wonder why you are who you are?

In our uniqueness, each of us has something to offer that no one else can give.  Only you can be you, and only you can use what you have to accomplish what you’ve been created to accomplish.  When I think about all of the talents and abilities that God has equipped me with, I feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility to share what I have with others.  No matter what it is that I write, or draw, or create, my own uniqueness is a part of whatever I do.

You too, have a unique set of gifts, may you discover them and use them…and may your own uniqueness shine through to those around you.

Peace and love,



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