Tag Archives: mom

On Time

On Time

TimeA Quote to Carry You

August 6, 2018

“Time is a created thing.  To say “I don’t have time” is to say, “I don’t want to.”  -Lao Tzu

Thoughts on time…

I am guilty of this very thing!  I’ve been at my childhood home for the past few months helping my mom, and today happened to be “house cleaning day.”  Call me crazy, but I do enjoy cleaning and it’s one thing that I can be sure to give me a sense of accomplishment when it’s finished.  Today, in addition to my other cleaning tasks, my mom asked me to check and clean a filter that is part of the vacuum cleaner.  To do this would require me to have to take the time to read the instruction manual to be sure the filter is cleaned properly, which I’ll admit is something I really did not want to do. So…my response to her request was, “Mom, I don’t have time to do that!”


Time…whether we want to take the time to do something or not, time is a precious resource that really should be used wisely.  We’ve all got an equal amount of time in a twenty-four hour period, but how much of it do we actually spend doing things that really matter or things that truly make a difference?  How we choose to use the time granted to us each day says a lot about who we are, and when we say, “I don’t have time” for one thing or another, we are really prioritizing what matters most to us.


When I replied to my mom that I didn’t have time to bother with her request, I was actually saying that I’d rather spend that time doing something that was more meaningful to me.  In general, our time is our own, but that doesn’t mean we are not to share it with others.  In fact, I often find that when I make time for others a priority, the time that I do spend on myself becomes even more valuable, and well spent!


Well, I’ve already decided that I will pull out the vacuum instruction manual and make sure the filter gets cleaned. Then I’ll not only have learned something, but more importantly, it will please my mom.  How about you?  When you think about how you spend your time, does it include a good balance of “me” time for yourself and “we” time for and/or with others?  When it does you’ll find that there is time for everything…and everything has it’s time.


Thanks for visiting…it’s good to be back!

Peace and love,




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On A Mother’s Work

On A Mother’s Work

mother's workA Quote to Carry You

May 4, 2015

“A man’s work is from sun to sun, but a mother’s work is never done.” Author Unknown

On a mother’s work.  To say that “a mother’s work is never done” seems like an understatement when it comes to my mom.  It seems that no matter how  late it is at night, or sometimes how early in the wee hours of the morning, I can always count on my mother being there to talk to.  It seems that she never runs out of energy; there is always that one last thing she wants to get done before going to bed.  That one thing invariably turns into those last few things, and before you know it…well suffice it to say that she seems to just be getting her second wind when midnight rolls around  That’s my mom; she’s always doing something.  I so appreciate that about her and I’m happy today that I am much the same way.  As far back as I can remember, my mom has worked hard, no matter what the task, no matter what time of the day or night.  There is something else that I remember even more so too.  Through my mothers work, she showed her love for my dad, my sisters, and me…and that is truly something that she has done, and still does, so very well!  Thanks for all you do Mommy…I love you!

May you be sure to take the time this week to let your mother know how much her work means to you.

Peace and love,


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