Category Archives: Family and Friends

Family and friends short story writing collection relating to lifestyle themes.

When I Was a Child

When i was a child

When I Was a Child Photograph: “Daydreams”, courtesy of Amy Breen

When I was a child – May your faith be strong, like that of a child, never worrying when, what or where…just turn to the Lord for your every need, and know that he is always there.

”When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”  1 Corinthians 13:11

When I Was a Child

When I was a child,

I thought like a child.

Streams of colors…

Yellow, pink and blue.

Playing outdoors for hours,

All was sunny and bright and true.

When I was a child,

I dreamed like a child,

Like a bird, I was ever so carefree.

In my mind I’d travel to far away lands;

Places only known to me.

When I was a child,

I hoped like a child,

”Someday that’s gonna be me!”

Now I am grown and after all these years,

Childlike faith navigates my destiny.

Felecia R. Weber 2018,

When I was a child – This time of year always causes my mind to conjure up childhood memories.  Now that I am back in my hometown, the familiar sites, sounds and smells of my youth dance around in my head almost constantly. It seems as the days get cooler, my heart just gets warmer from the glow of days long gone by.  Indeed, when I was a child, all those years ago, I thought, dreamed and hoped like a child.  When I left home to make my way in the world, I thought I had left those childhood ways behind too…but not so, really.

Like the changes in the seasons, it’s obvious to see the transformation that happens to our physical bodies as we grow from children into adults. But what happens on the inside is not so easy to recognize.  Surely, we act more mature and responsible the older we get.  Our interests change, as well as our activities, and tastes.  In fact, certain changes are critical and should take place throughout different stages of our lives.  One thing, that I believe should never change, no matter how old we are, is our childlike faith in God.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”  Hebrews 11:1

As explained in the above verse…faith does have “childlike” qualities.  When I was a child, I never worried about what, when, or where my provisions would come from…they were just there, (and always in the right amount and at the right time).  When I became an adult, although I had to put forth the effort and work for what I wanted, having God in my life, caused my faith, (the confidence in what I hope for and assurance about what I do not see), to remain the same as when I was a child.  Even when vibrant days fade to hues of gray, like this time of year, there always remains in my heart the flickering flame of faith that God is always there, and that he’ll always provide for my every need.

May your faith be strong, like that of a child, never worrying when, what or where…just turn to the Lord for your every need, and know that he is always there.

Peace and love,
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No Ordinary Rose

No ordinary rose

No Ordinary Rose – Photograph property of

No Ordinary Rose 

”It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” 

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

No ordinary rose…we all have something uniquely our own to offer to the world…

No Ordinary Rose


No ordinary rose, that’s true of us all,

No matter where we come from,

With roots planted deeply, we can stand tall.


No ordinary rose, as we develop and grow,

What we learn from life’s lessons,

Causes our inner beauty to glow.


No ordinary rose, I say of you and me,

We’ve got so much to offer…

Now it’s time for the world to see.

Felecia R. Weber, 2018


I’ve long enjoyed the timeless wisdom found in Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s The Little Prince.  The Little Prince’s interaction with his rose has always touched my heart.  I think it’s admirable how well the boy takes such special care of his delicate rose, protecting her from the elements, and making certain she has all she needs to grow.  In his eyes, his rose is the most beautiful rose in all the world.  She is one-of-a-kind and that’s what makes her so special.  When he later finds out that his rose appears to be the same as all the others, he is disappointed, because he comes to the conclusion that she is just an ordinary rose.

On the contrary, there really is no ordinary rose…and the same is true of you and me.  As with the Little Prince’s rose, although we may not appear to be remarkable on the outside, we all have something uniquely our own to offer to the world.  When we take the time to nurture those attributes that make us unique, there is nothing more beautiful than when we are in full bloom.

I challenge you to take the time to dig deep in your heart and find out what seeds have been planted, but need to be watered and cared for.  As time goes by, I’m sure you’ll be amazed at the beauty that begins to grow. Then, I encourage you share it and let the world enjoy it too!

Peace and love,


I dedicate this post to my dad on his 88th birthday…Happy birthday daddy…you are in heaven now, but your are still with us in our hearts.  I’ll always love you!

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“Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”

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In An Instant

In an instant

Photograph courtesy of Gail_mi

In an instant – Life is so fragile, how the moments go…in an instant, lives are taken, to where we don’t always know…

“…and suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were unfastened.”  Acts 16:26


In An Instant 

Life is so fragile, how the moments go…

In an instant, lives are taken,

to where we don’t always know.


So time goes by, only memories day after day…

In an instant, a family torn apart.

A mother’s tears grow silent; in her heart they stay.


Oh the pain, of not knowing what’s next.

In an instant, world’s turned upside down…

Leaving loved ones confused and perplexed.


My God, my God, please tell us why!

In an instant, seasons change from light to dark.

Still no answer…just an echoing of our cry!


Then suddenly, it happens…can it be true?

In an instant it’s over…shadows lift…light pours in.

No matter the reason…God our praise and thanks go to you!

Felecia R. Weber, 2018

In an instant – Life can change overnight.  Things we think can never happen, do. Things we often take for granted can be rocked so hard, our foundations threaten to crack. Those are the times that make or break us, and we have no choice but to go through them.

When the pressures of life become so intense, and your fragile world is shattered, remember that God is only an instant away.  If he is your foundation, it doesn’t matter how deep or wide the chasm. For what God allows to break, he always puts back together again stronger and more beautifully than before.

This post is dedicated to our “Little Princes”…you boys light up our world.  Thanking God for showing us that no matter how delicate life appears…with him as our foundation, there is nothing that he cannot put back together again.

Peace and love,


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I Matter

I Matter

“I Matter” Photograph property of 2018

I matter, though the world may not see…gonna reveal to the world all the gifts God has given me…

“It’s not what has happened to you.  It’s who you become because of it.”  – Ria Story

I Matter

I matter, you must know…

Within me a seed was planted, so long ago.

Yeah, I’ve made mistakes; haven’t we all?

But something inside me picks me up when I fall.

I matter, can you tell? Can’t you see?

There’s this power that resides in the deepest part of me.

Oh, I know, I’m quiet, polite and shy…

But, I’ve grown my wings…now it’s time for me to fly.

I matter, though the world may not see…

Gonna reveal to all, the gifts God has given me.

A life well-lived is not to keep to oneself…

So I’m opening myself up, like taking a book off the shelf.

I matter, what I have is unique and worth sharing…

And to everyone in my life, thanks for all of your love and caring.

Felecia R. Weber 2018

I Matter – The truth is, everyone matters, but sometimes we are the last ones to realize it.  We all have been endowed with  gifts that are uniquely our own. Be they talents for music, art or writing, having an aptitude for working well with numbers, or being able to build or fix things with ease…we all have something to offer others…including our own life experiences.

My challenge to you is to determine what it is you do best…that thing that makes you matter…and share it with those around you.  Sharing a part of yourself with others is what makes you matter the most!

Peace and love,


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One Step at a Time

One Step

“First Steps” Photograph property of (2018)

One step at a time

”In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

One step at a time

One step at a time,

So many directions,

Like typing out words,

Without making corrections.


We spin and we toil,

For most of our days.

When things fall apart,

It seems none of the effort pays!


One step at a time,

That’s all we can do.

For God has the answers,

I know first hand that is true.


So stop for a moment,

Although time won’t stand still.

You’ll be much better off,

When you seek and follow His will.


Felecia R. Weber, 2018,


One step at a time, that seems simple doesn’t it?  If you’ve ever watched a baby take his first steps, you’ll realize that it’s not such an easy thing to do. When it comes to navigating through life’s paths, it doesn’t get any easier.  We’ve so many choices, so many responsibilities, so many demands, that sometimes we find ourselves simply standing still!  When that happens one step at a time may well be all we can handle, but not on our own.

One Step

“Footprints” Photograph property of (2018)

As described in the well known “Footprints in the Sand” quote, when life gets to be overwhelming and we turn to God for help, he is not only there with us every step of the way, he carries us when we’ve lost our way.  He leads us to where he wants us to be…one step at a time.


Shout out to my sister, Marjorie…Happy birthday sister…I love you!


Peace and love,


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On Time

On Time

TimeA Quote to Carry You

August 6, 2018

“Time is a created thing.  To say “I don’t have time” is to say, “I don’t want to.”  -Lao Tzu

Thoughts on time…

I am guilty of this very thing!  I’ve been at my childhood home for the past few months helping my mom, and today happened to be “house cleaning day.”  Call me crazy, but I do enjoy cleaning and it’s one thing that I can be sure to give me a sense of accomplishment when it’s finished.  Today, in addition to my other cleaning tasks, my mom asked me to check and clean a filter that is part of the vacuum cleaner.  To do this would require me to have to take the time to read the instruction manual to be sure the filter is cleaned properly, which I’ll admit is something I really did not want to do. So…my response to her request was, “Mom, I don’t have time to do that!”


Time…whether we want to take the time to do something or not, time is a precious resource that really should be used wisely.  We’ve all got an equal amount of time in a twenty-four hour period, but how much of it do we actually spend doing things that really matter or things that truly make a difference?  How we choose to use the time granted to us each day says a lot about who we are, and when we say, “I don’t have time” for one thing or another, we are really prioritizing what matters most to us.


When I replied to my mom that I didn’t have time to bother with her request, I was actually saying that I’d rather spend that time doing something that was more meaningful to me.  In general, our time is our own, but that doesn’t mean we are not to share it with others.  In fact, I often find that when I make time for others a priority, the time that I do spend on myself becomes even more valuable, and well spent!


Well, I’ve already decided that I will pull out the vacuum instruction manual and make sure the filter gets cleaned. Then I’ll not only have learned something, but more importantly, it will please my mom.  How about you?  When you think about how you spend your time, does it include a good balance of “me” time for yourself and “we” time for and/or with others?  When it does you’ll find that there is time for everything…and everything has it’s time.


Thanks for visiting…it’s good to be back!

Peace and love,




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Soon to Come…

Soon to Come

“Resting,” photograph property of (2018)

Soon to Come…

”Oh that I had the wings of a dove!  I would fly away and be at rest.”  Psalm 55:6

Greetings everyone, I hope you’ve been well!

Soon to come…

It’s been a while since I’ve written…

I took a much needed rest.

Soon to come just for you,

New essays and poems…all my very best!

Peace and love,


”Living life…beautifully!”



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Joy Comes in the Morning


Linda Celeste Sims in Ailvin Ailey’s American Dance Theater‘s “Cry.” Photograph by Paul Kolnik

Joy comes in the morning for those walking in the power of the Lord…

“For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘He will lead them to springs of living water.’  ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.'” Revelation 7:17

Joy Comes in the Morning

(A poem dedicated to my dad, Edward Hyford Myers)

When evening fall it’s hard to see what’s just ahead;

Our vision is clouded as dusk turns into night.

A heaviness forms and hovers over us;

And we feel we can no longer fight.

Death seems like the ultimate end;

For in it seemingly there is no hope.

The heart stops beating, the last breath is drawn;

and those left behind struggle to cope.

But, as the night moves on and the dawn draws near,

A lightness breaks and encircles the earth.

A newness of life fills the hearts of all beings;

and joy comes in the morning full of hope as with the newness of birth.

we needn’t be troubled by yesterday’s fears,

The brightness of day blossoms like a budding flower.

For death has been conquered, everlasting life abounds.

Joy comes in the morning for those walking in the Lord’s power.

Felecia R. Weber 2016,

Over these past couple of weeks since my father’s passing, my heart has been filled with many powerful emotions.   During the times, when I remember how he suffered during his illness, I feel a heaviness as though night has filtered through and darkened my mind.  It saddens my heart to know that I can no longer hear his gentle voice; feel his love for me through his wisdom, guidance and advice; or  gaze upon his kind face while feeling so fortunate that my own bears such a close resemblance to his.  But then, when I think of that moment when he quietly passed on from this life, I can’t help but feel a sense of hope.  For I know that for daddy, joy truly did come in the morning, and he will forever more experience the brilliance of a new day dawning.

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, our beings transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord,who is the Spirit.”  2 Corinthians 3:18


Edward Hyford Myers, September 10, 1930 – May 20, 2016

I am grateful to the Lord for blessing my life with such a precious father.  Today and as long as I live, I will rejoice and celebrate his life.   Rest in peace daddy, I love you with all my heart…until we meet again.

Peace and love,


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