It’s All In the Family

It's All in the Family

Study for “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (Detail), 1884, George Seurat. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


It’s all in the family…they say that blood is thicker than water, and when it comes to love, it’s all in the family.

“The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing.” (author unknown)

It’s all in the family…love that is!  Have you ever thought of where love comes from?  Can you remember the first time that you’ve ever experienced the warm and cozy feeling that only genuine love can produce?  For me, I can honestly say that my very first acquaintance with true love was made right amongst my own family.  When I am with my family, it seems like I am oblivious to the outside world.  I suppose the best way that I can describe how I feel when I am surrounded by my loved ones, is like snuggling up inside a big fuzzy blanket…it’s one of the best feelings in the world!

The love that exudes from a family creates a bond between its members that can never truly be broken…we are always connected.  Whether you get to be with your family frequently or if time and distance only allows for visits few and far between, the love that flows from your hearts seals any gaps and brings you together with your loved ones on a different level.  The good times and the bad times, the memories that have been made and played out by each member of the family during times spent together are woven tightly…hmmm, like the fabric of that fuzzy blanket I’ve mentioned earlier.

Living together, caring for and sharing with each other, being there through thick and thin, these are all significant forms of affection that portray the depth of the kind of love a family experiences and understands.  They are not carried out by force or by burdensome effort.  Rather, they just happen within the family…it is family love in action.

I realize that not everyone has had the opportunity to build upon and experience the genuine, coveted love that flows freely to link and keep a family together.  But I challenge those who have, to try spreading some of their own special bonding love to those around you.

It’s all in the family…love that is; 

It’s a bond that’s genuine and true.

It is my hope that all may experience it…

And may the blanket called”family” always cover you.

Peace and love,


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It's All in the Family
Article Name
It's All in the Family
It's all in the family. They say that blood is thicker than water, and when it comes to love, it's all in the family.

2 thoughts on “It’s All In the Family

  1. Lew

    I love your photo; it gives me a warm and cosy feeling.

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  2. Felecia

    Thanks Lew…this one reminded me if having a gmail picnic in the park!☺️

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