Tag Archives: Pearl S. Buck

On Contentment

On Contentment

contentmentA Quote to Carry You

July 6, 2015

“Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.”  Pearl S. Buck

On contentment – Contentment has as many different meanings as there are people.  For some, it means acquiring material items, for others, like me, it has more to do with time and how we use it.  Regardless of what it is that we seek in order for us to be content, I believe contentment has a deeper meaning.  I say that because in general, it seems that the more we have of something, the more we want of it.  Of course, the more we have of something, often times the more responsibility and care we must impart to keep and maintain it.  After a while, we become less and less contented with the very thing we sought contentment from…and we move on seeking after something else, and on it goes.

I believe that contentment is more of a state of mind where we can be contented no matter what we have or how much of it we have.  I invite you to join me this week and explore this theme of contentment.  I believe you will, like me, realize that true contentment has little to do with our outside circumstances, and everything to do with what’s inside of us.

Peace and love,


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