Tag Archives: Red Rose tea

A Christmas Memory: At Grandmother’s House

At Grandmother's House

“Grandmother’s Cookies,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

At Grandmother’s House

There are many childhood memories that I recall and revisit every year as I prepare for the holidays.  I’ve always had a sweet tooth, and thanks to my Grandmother, I have enjoyed baking throughout the years.  So, it is no surprise that one of my favorite holiday memories, is going to my Grandmother’s house to bake her Italian Christmas Cookies.

As I’ve mentioned in past writings, it was always a special treat for me when my parents, sisters, and I would load into the car and drive the half hour or so distance to my Grandmother’s house.  Visiting Grandmother was special any time of the year, but especially during the holiday season.  Grandmother would have been up hours before we’d arrived.  She’d likely have had a few cups of her Red Rose tea, and the mixer, cookie sheets, rolling pin, bowls and other baking paraphernalia set out and ready to use. Continue reading

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